Drora's surprise giveaway

Drora's surprise giveaway
4 Dec.2019

Friday, October 4, 2024

War Time

Dear friends and readers
My apology to all my friends for not posting here for almost a year. It's just that I couldn't bring myself to write anything about miniatures which usually are my passion, when I'm frustrated and angry about so much injustice against Israel. Not only have we been cruelly invaded but to be condemned when we try to defend our country just kills my faith in the United Nations.
I'm not a religious person, I stay a Jew because I was born so. I respect all other religions and am happy to celebrate other religion's customs and feasts as well as ours. Any happy event that brings us together is welcome. Israeli Arab citizens who live among us are involved in our everyday living. Arab Israeli citizens work in oue hospitals as doctors,dentists, nurses, and other medical aids under the same conditions as the Israelies. Arabic doctors and nurses receive equal salaries as the Jewish staff. Arab Israel citizens are employed by private companies, as hi-tech technians, sales experts, drivers, carpenters. builders, engineers, etc.in fact there is no difference, we all get the same medical treatments, sit where we want, enjoy the same benefits given by our government. So how come they call Israel an apartheid country? How shameless can the UN be?
This is what happened since my last post. I no longer work with the elderly in the previous Daycare Center for Senior Citizens. I now am visiting another Daycare Center which is in my neighborhood, five minutes by car from where I live. I am one of the seniors now for three days a week. Nothing has changed except the personell and the visitors. While I'm there I help my friends with their crafts. It was my daughters' decision that i spend less time on the roads hecause of the risk of being far from shelter when the alarm for missile attack is on. The danger is being on the street or in a public vehicle that has to be evacuated at the speed of a minute and a half. Many are dead or wounded by the shrapnel from exploded missiles than by the missiles. Even inside the houses, you need to secure a safe corner without windows, mirrors, chandeliers and other objects that could harm you when a missile explodes nearby.
So far, my family and I are OK. One of my great-grandchildren, Sahar almost 19 years old, is enlisted and is a combat medic. My sweed great-granddaughter Dana, (Sahar's cousin) just turned 18 and already been called for duty. She will join the IDF at the end of this month. Only 8 years ago and we were so happy crafting together and now only fear for their safety.
Blessings to all my friends and readers, best wishes and hugs Drora


  1. Dear Drora,
    Thank you for writing. I think of you and your family often. I have been hoping and praying you are okay. I am so glad to know you are still okay. There is nothing good about war. It solves nothing. I am still praying for your continued safety and that a way to peace can be found. My heart and thoughts are with you.

  2. Querida Drora, me alegro tener noticias tuyas y que te encuentres bien ; parece increíble que en un mundo que avanza en tecnología no avance en los enfrentamientos entre países , parece que no se aprende nada y como siempre el que más sufre es la población. Estoy segura que si los dirigente estuvieran en primera línea de fuego se terminaba rápido. cada día me acuerdo de ti , pues son continuas las noticias. Cuídate mucho , sabes que te llevo en mi corazón. Besos

  3. Dear Drora, I have been wondering how you are for a long time and I was glad to hear from you. My mother always says that life is so short anyway - why spend it on warring and bickering. Exactly. If only also those in power, in whatever country, would understand it, too. I also agree very much with what Contrastes-Rosa says: >>Estoy segura que si los dirigente estuvieran en primera línea de fuego se terminaba rápido.>> I hope you and all your family will stay safe!

  4. Dearest Drora, it's good to hear from you and that you're safe for now. You have a very wise daughter: take good care for yourself during these days of war. As Betsy said: there's nothing good about war....you all still stay in my prayers and thoughts.
    Warm hugs, Ilona

  5. Dear Drora! I was so glad to hear that you are okay. I feel so sorry what you have to been through. Many hugs, Britt

  6. I was so pleased to see a post from you and to read that you are ok because I had often thought of you and wondered how you were. Take care.

  7. It's so good to see and read a post from you... although the content is sad. But what else to expect in these days...

    One year ago all was still "well" in your part of the world (whatever this means as the conflict itself was always there) and tomorrow it will be one year since all this insanity started. So many innocent people on both sides suffered and still do, so many people lost their own lives or their dearest ones for the worst reason of all and so many people have to fight in battles making experiences that will put a shadow on their lives forever or even end their lives. Hearing about your great-grandchildren makes my heart heavy... young people like this should start with their grown-up life like getting jobs or going to university, falling in love, starting a family and having fun but not fighting with a gun in the hand or driving a tank or whatever cruelties war offers.

    But it's a relief that after the intervention of your daughter you're now spending less time on dangerous roads . I hope you and your new team are able to spread tiny glimpses of joy and hope with your crafts. Stay strong and all the best wishes - this comes from a friend who is absolutely thankful that I don't know anything about exploding missiles, shrapnels and safe corners in the house.


  8. Querida Drora, celebro saber que estas bien y procuras cuidarte de esa locura.
    Tanta gente muriendo inocente, niños, ancianos, pero los que la provocan están sentados en sus lindos sillones mandando a otros al frente. ¿por que no se ponen ellos y sus familias los primeros? se les acababa el orgullo y la soberbia rápidamente.
    Cuídate mucho y rezo por que la serenidad llegue pronto.
    Un abrazo

  9. Drora, I am sending you greetings and wishes of health and good luck to the whole family these days. Injustice and strangeness have reigned in the world in recent years. Many of my friends live in Israel, but no one has left the war. You are warriors!
