Drora's surprise giveaway

Drora's surprise giveaway
4 Dec.2019

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

New rack for bags, hats, and more

Hello dear readers,

I've been working hard to craft a new rack for the daycare center.  There will now be 3 models, one with planters, one with cakes and sweets, and the one I'm still working on which will be filled with crocheted goods.  People at the center buy them as gifts for their grandchildren. I hope it will sell as well as the two others but I need help with the crochet work and wish some ladies would be able to collaborate.  

I'm still working on how to hang the bags on this rack.  Hopefully, the problem will be solved by my next post.  Meanwhile, I made new easels for Adi's beautiful paintings. 


Until a few days ago we enjoyed a very mild winter but all at once we are going through a very cold and rainy term.   My apartment is warm and cozy, otherwise I wouldn't be able to work or type. Good thing I completed the crochet work. The daycare center too is heated and warm.  There are a lot of people, especially elderly ones, with flu and pneumonia.  It's good I was vaccinated against these diseases in time.

I wish all my dear readers good health and a warm and cozy home.



  1. Dearest Drora, it's so good to see a blogpost of you again and seeing your latest mini works! I love the crocheted goods, they are wonderful and cute. Maybe (it's just an idea) you can make some tiny hooks and hang them on the top stick, so you can hang the bags on it..?
    The easels for Adi's paintings look great, her paintings look absolutely cute en they're beautiful, love the colorscheme she used <3
    Here, in The Netherlands, winter was mild so far, as in so many last winters, but now we are going to have cold, in the north it's snowing hail, ice rain, but here in the east side we only got the lower temperatures. This weather is no problem for me, cold is better for my poor health and I also love cold and snow, I am a winter child ;). Here in The Netherlands the flu is raging around like a mad man, many people are quite sick right now...I was too, now I am on the mend.
    Stay warm and safe, dear Drora, and keep out of the way of virusses and other bugs. Warm hugs, Ilona

  2. Dear Drora, your crochet pieces look lovely! I have not done any mini crochet since I was 20.... a Very long time ago! Someday I hope to relearn the methods.
    I am glad to hear you are warm and safe and got your vaccines! We have been very cold here... and it continues to snow quite a bit and nothing is melted. So we are having what we call a "real" winter. I am looking forward to Spring!
    Stay warm and stay well! :):):)

  3. Querida Drora, que bien verte tan trabajadora , tu crochet te ha quedado fantásticos, son unos modelos preciosos y las pinturas de Adi son geniales. Me alegro que estés bien caliente tanto en tu apartamento como en el centro, cuídate y que pase de largo esta gripe; por aquí está también muy rebelde atacando fuerte. Besos

  4. Hi Drora! I like your crocheted things a lot. We have also cold, but not so cold for the season. Hugs Britt

  5. Wonderful work, I'm sure they will sell very well. I enjoy the paintings too.

  6. This is very small crochet work, very beautiful, well done, the paintings are also beautiful, beautiful colors and very different from the previous time.

  7. Die Häkelarbeiten sind wirklich entzückend. Und die Bilder sind sehr gelungen. Bei uns hier ist auch kaltes und nasses Wetter. Liebe Grüße

  8. You're so talented! They're so cute! I love the paintings.

  9. It's so good to see new work from you and I can't wait to see those beautiful crocheted goods on that rack. Like Ilona already suggested I would also think some wire hooks might work - but I'm convinced you're coming along with a great solution. And once more I'm in awe with Adi's talent, both painting look awesome and presented on your easels they just look stunning and I have no doubt these will make perfect gifts even for those who don't know anything about miniatures.

    I'm glad to hear you've got your vaccine against the flu and managed to stay healthy. Around here many people caught the flu too and after a very mild but depressing grey winter we have very frosty winter weather since some days. The last nights have been icy cold with - 10 °C... but the weather forecast says next weekend we will get more than + 10 °C. I'm still wondering how I shall explain these extreme changes to my body systems. *grin*

    Stay warm... and keep on crafting as this will make your heart warm too... ;O)

