Drora's surprise giveaway

Drora's surprise giveaway
4 Dec.2019

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

My first 2019 project

Hello dear readers

It is good to have pending projects waiting to be finished.  It assures you of not having to care about being workless at any time.  While The flower shop and a bygone days' Laundry scene are on the waiting list, I'm trying to assemble something that looks like a conservatory from a kit ordered by mail.
To my disappointment, all the instructions are in very clear Chinese. I had to stop myself cursing, as I didn't want Solly to learn new Hebrew bad words.  Assembling this kit will be a real challenge and will probably try out my patience.

And here, because I didn't want Solly to see my reaction, is where I decided to send him to rest on Baalatova's hammock. She allows Solly to enjoy himself in her garden while she's busy concocting her potions.  In fact, the Skellies are getting jealous, as Solly is the only one privileged to use the hammock.

I suppose this page instructs you how to install the electricity.  HELP!!

Hope to be able to show more soon.

Blessings and happy crafting to all my friends and readers.


  1. O Wow Drora this is a wonderful new projec
    Only in Chinese what a problem, I hope someone can help you, if you look carefully at the drawing you might get out .... I'm curious.

  2. I'm afraid my Chinese is limited to the cursing on Firefly, so I'm of no help here. It might be that someone has translated the instructions somewhere? The kit looks really cool.

  3. Mi chino es inexistente, lo siento; sin embargo el proyecto se ve interesante así que animo, es cuestión de paciencia.
    Un abrazo

  4. Hi Drora! This looks like such a cute kit and I'd love to help! Can you reply with the manufacturer name and the kit name? I did a search to see if I could find it on Amazon but didn't recognize this kit. I am thinking once I know that I might be able to find at least English instructions that you could Google translate to Hebrew.

  5. Hi Drora, I found this video on youtube which may be the same kit you are assembling. There is no audio but the step by step should get you over the rough spots. Hope it helps.:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKQzd9vQnIc

    1. Thank you Elizabeth!
      You saved me hours of work on this kit. This link is exactly what is needed.

  6. Солли самый счастливый! Я желаю вам удачи в работе над проектом! Я не могу помочь к сожалению. Я надеюсь, что у вас все получиться!

  7. Oh, Drora, what a pity that the instructions are in Chinese, I'm afraid that I'm also no help here for you, sorry. But I just read Elizabeth's comment, so maybe the video can offer you some help....at least I hope so for you. This is such a lovely kit to assemble, and I really hope you can manage. Solly is such a sweetheart lying there in the hammock ;)!
    Warm hug, Ilona

  8. Ánimo! El montaje es todo un reto , pero seguro que lo consigues. .Solly está muy feliz descansando en la hamaca

  9. I am so happy Elizabeth was able to find the youtube video for you. I am excited to see it completed. And a flower shop is perfect for you since you make so many wonderful flowers!

  10. I have just started my second Chinese kit. I am thankful the instructions are clear, but it certainly takes me longer than the recommended time.

  11. Great new project!!! Good luck with the Chinese instructions!

  12. Un bonito proyecto, y tener algo en mente siempre es productivo, se ve muy bonito... besos.

  13. Sin duda, quedará precioso!

  14. Oh dear! I think you will need a rest in the hammock when this project is done 😱! Best of luck! Pam in Norway

  15. I have too many pending projects! Can't wait to see this one finished.

  16. Estoy segura de que lo conseguirás y quedará precioso. Estoy deseando verlo terminado
    Que feliz se le vé en la hamaca !!

  17. seguro que lo consigues, ánimo ...

  18. A beautiful project! Chinese instructions are impossible to understand, but it's easy if you follow the images...I've had the same problem with a kit.

  19. It was a relief to see that Elizabeth already came to your aid with a helpful YouTube video - hip hip hooray to the outstanding miniaturists' community! Fingers crossed that you'll be able to get along now - the kit looks very promising. I'm very thankful that the one I received from Ro has not only good photos but also English explanations. Nevertheless it's still a challenge because there are things needed like bending wire for an armchair which I've never done before; so far I had assumed these kits are more like Playmobil... attach them and voilà... what a mistake. *LOL* But on the other side, it's much nicer this way and I have no doubt you will come up with a stunning conservatory-garden-scene very soon. And it was so lovely to see Solly investigating your kit... and enjoying himself in Baalatova's hammock, so cute. I'm glad that those two get along so well with each other. ;O)


  20. Ay, Drora! Yo tengo un kit que también trae las instrucciones en chino. Empecé a hacerlo y me desesperé enseguida. Me alegro que te hayan dado la solución, yo también voy probar suerte en youtube a ver si encuentro también mi kit! Veo que Solly no es una gran ayuda, jaaaaa! Qué gracia me hace verla tan feliz en su hamaca :)

  21. Drora,tu nuevo proyecto es muy,muy bonito y estoy segura que lo llevarás a buen término,a veces,las cosas son más intuitivas de lo que parecen.
    Creo que una vez que comiences,Solly dejará su hamaca y debido a su curiosidad,te ayudará!!!

  22. Ah, I"m glad that Elizabeth managed to find the answer for you , Drora! Looking forward to seeing what you build.

  23. L'ho preso anch'io un kit così.. sono molto carini e divertenti a farsi, mi piace moltissimo questo ... Un abbraccio

  24. Good luck dear Drora, but I am sure you will succeed . A conservatory is a great idea and with your flower making talent it will be a wonderful one! Hugs

  25. Conservatories are always lovely and it was nice that another miniaturist found the video for you. Good luck with your project!
