Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Back to Blogging

Hello dear friends,

First of all, I hereby want to thank each of you for your kind words of condolences. It meant so much to know that I have friends who care.

My two wonderfully talented friends, here in Israel, Sarit Eshed, and Goldie Hollander  decided it was time to bring me out of my moody sadness and start working again.  Yesterday we met at Goldie's new apartment in Tel-Aviv.
Goldie's new studio was constructed exactly in accordance with miniature work requirements. Perhaps now that I'm alone I'll ask Goldie to help me plan a studio and save my kitchen for cooking and baking purposes only.

We began making a BookNook each, using styrofoam boards.  We did not accomplish much. On arrival, Goldie took us on a guided tour to see the apartment and the special one entire-wall glass cabinet which held a large collection of dollhouses and rooms. Only after we had a coffee break we started working 

Each BookNook is a different size. Calculating the different measurements, cutting-up the walls, and other parts took up most of the time before lunch. There was so much to talk about.  Both girls insisted I was too skinny and started feeding me with everything on sight, cookies, fruit, lunch, and drinks.

The next meeting will be here, at my home. 

Before we left, Goldie presented each of us with a little matchbox-sized COVID-19 gift which she made herself.

Welcome to my new followers and thank you again all my dear readers.  Blessings!



  1. que bueno ver que te reincorporas a la blogosfera, seguro que te ayuda a superar tu dolor ...

  2. Me encanta ver que regresas a blogger y a las miniaturas,estoy segura que con su ayuda y con tus amigos,poco a poco el dolor será más suave Drora,ánimo y me encantará ver en qué estás haciendo ahora!

  3. So good to 'see' you again! I'm excited to see your book nook project. And the little Covid-19 gift is adorable.

  4. ¡Bien hecho por Goldie!Hay que guardar los buenos recuerdos de la personas queridas, pero la vida no puede parar. Muy bueno el regalo

  5. Dear Drora, I am so glad you have good "mini" friends who know how to bring you out of your sorrow. The little Covid boxes are so cute! I hope they keep feeding you and that you can find your happiness again. Stay well!

  6. Dearest Drora, I am glad that you have "mini" friends, who support you to go back into miniatures, despite of your sorrow. You even have a new project, I hope you can find back your happiness with the time. The little Covid-19 gift is so cute.
    Dearest Drora, stay well, take good care of yourself. But especially now, feed yourself well enough, so you don't get sick and also no one will complain you are too skinny ;).
    Warm hugs, Ilona

  7. I'm glad to see you back and to know that you have two good friends to help you in this difficult time. The little covid box is sweet. Take care!

  8. Dear Drora, I'm glad to see you back.You have two wonderful friends, in Israel, who are close to you and help you to overcome the pain.
    A big and warm hug.

  9. Me alegra mucho Drora, que vuelvas a incorporarte a la blogosfera, estoy segura que te hará mucho bien.
    La reunión con Goldie parece que fué muy bien y tuvo un original regalo.
    Un fuerte abrazo

  10. It's so good to have you back. And it's even better to see that you have very good friends taking care of you next to your darling family. Thanky to Sarit and Goldie for bringing you back into the miniature swing - this book nook is an exciting project and I'm looking forward to see more of it.

    Wow, this is what I'd call a working place. I'm green with envy... *LOL* And what a fantastic gift , such a great idea. Perhaps you remember that I love the work of German miniaturis Georgia Marfels very much... she made a miniature installation of toilet paper in a glass dome with a scroll saying "In memory of the great toilet paper shortage in 2020". Ah, there's so much creativity out there.

    Still my best wishes to you in this hard time and hugs

  11. Cuanto me alegro de volverte a ver por aqui Drora, las miniaturas son sin duda de las mejores ayudas para distraer y ocupar el tiempo y la mente. Que bueno que quedaras con compañeras , eso es maravilloso. y el detalle de Goldie es una monada. Cuidate mucho. Un abrazo

  12. Me alegro mucho que vayas animándote con las minis y pases unos ratos distraída con amigas . El kit de Covi,19, es muy original . Abrazos Drora

  13. Celebro ver que tienes buenas amigas que van a llevarte de la mano en este nuevo caminar.
    El primer año de estas perdidas tan cercanas es duro pero tu familia, las minis, tus amigas y los que siempre estamos esperando tus enseñanzas ayudaran a soportarlo.
    Un fuerte abrazo.

  14. It's good to have you back and it's really wonderful to have such good friends to look after you. It also makes me glad to hear that you had the energy to work on some minis. By the way, when I was the editor-in-chief for the Finnish Doll's House magazine nine (!) years ago, I was in touch with Goldie Hollander for a story in our magazine. Her Lisa in the "teacup" wonderland was presented (my real name is Tiina, Millimari is my pseudonym).

  15. Good to see you're back, I hope you can find distraction in your miniatures and nice to have nice and sweet friends, big hug

  16. Me alegra muchísimo que vuelvas a interesarte por las minis y saber que tienes cerca gente maravillosa que te cuida y te acompaña :) Sé que la próxima reunión en tu casa será un éxito y que lo pasareis genial! Qué prepararás para obsequiar a tus amigas? Estoy deseando que me lo cuentes! Un abrazo, Drora

  17. So happy to have you back to your blog and minis. You are appreciated and loved here dear Drora. Many blessings 🥰

  18. Wat fijn Drora dat je weer hebt geknutseld met je vriendinnen. Bijzonder cadeau de matchbox met Covid 19 spullen.

    Ik wens je sterkte. Lieve groeten Xandra

  19. Good to see you again in blogsphere, a big hug
