Friday, June 26, 2020


Hello dear readers,

Today I lost my beloved husband.  Our daughters and I, and the entire family are in deep grief.
I feel as if part of me has passed away together with my loved one.  He was my love, my partner, my supporter, and most of all my best friend.  We had a wonderful marriage and I'm grateful for the time we were together.  May he rest in peace.

I am not sure when I'll be able to post again but I am sure I will.

Best regards


  1. I am so terribly sorry for your loss.

  2. Mis más sentidas condolencias querida Drora,son momentos muy difíciles para ti y tu familia,sólo quiero acompañaros desde la distancia y desearos mucho ánimo.
    Un abrazo muy,muy fuerte!!

  3. Lieve Drora wat een vreselijk nieuws. Gecondoleerd met het verlies van je man. Wat erg dat jullie de laatste maanden zo van elkaar geschieden waren. Ik wens jou en de rest van de familie heel veel sterkte toe met het verwerken van dit grote gemis en verdriet. Dikke knuffel van Xandra

  4. Deepest condolences - I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. My best wishes to you and your family in this hard and sad time. Take all the time you need - we will be here to be glad to have you back.


  5. Very sad news. I'm so very sorry for your loss, Drora. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this sad time.

  6. All my condolences, I'm so sorry to learn about the death of your husband. My thoughts are with you in this hard and sad time.

  7. My deepest condolences, I am very sorry to read about your loss, dearest Drora. My best wishes to you and your family in this sad time. I will be with you in my thoughts and now send you a warm embrace.
    Take all the time you need, we'll be here waiting for you.
    A warm hug, Ilona

  8. I am sending prayers to you and your family dear Drora. Big hug xxx

  9. Please accept my condolences on the passing of your husband. My prayers are with you and your family.

  10. Dear Drora, My condolences to you and yours. I'm very sorry for your loss, take care. Take all the time you need, we will be here waiting for you. A big hug, my friend.

  11. Lo siento muchísimo Drora ,te mando todo mi cariño en estos momentos para ti y tu familia .Un abrazo muy grande

  12. Oh Drora, I'm so sorry for your loss. I wish there was more I could do than give you my sympathies and prayers.

  13. Drora lo siento mucho, recibe mis condolencias y un fuerte abrazo para ti y tu familia

  14. Dear Drora, I'm so sorry for your loss. My English is not good enough to tell you more, but I'm with you in my thoughts. Hugs, Melli

  15. Lo siento muchísimo Drora. En estos momentos tan tristes hay que ser fuerte y recordar los buenos momentos .Mucho ánimo y un gran abrazo

  16. So sorry for your loss. Sending prayers of comfort to you and your family.

  17. I think this is my first posting on your blog, but I wanted to send you my deepest condolences and prayers.I hope your family and friends support you with all the love and strength you need to get through this loss.

  18. Dear Dora I am sorry for your loss

  19. Desde la distancia recibe un fuerte y caluroso abrazo . Espero que los buenos momentos que la vida te ha dado a su lado ayuden a mitigar el dolor que ahora sentís por su perdida.
    Un abrazo

  20. My love and condolences to you and your family at this sad time.

  21. Dearest Drora I am so saddened to hear of the loss of your beloved husband. What a blessing to be married for so long to your best friend, and I know you will grieve his loss deeply. I hope that you and the girls will find comfort in sharing photos and memories while you help each other through the grief. I'll keep you all in my prayers. Hugs, Jodi

  22. Dear Drora, I am so sorry to learn of this. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  23. Que terrible noticia Drora, lo siento muchísimo.
    Mucho ánimo para tí y tu familia, y un fuerte abrazo.

  24. Drora... se me parte el corazón por ti... yo perdí a mi padre hace muy poco... Te mando un abrazo muy fuerte... Celebra el amor y la felicidad que habéis compartido y confía en que el tiempo dulcificará el recuerdo ♥ Vuelve cuando sea el momento, te estaremos esperando. Todo mi cariño para ti, Drora

  25. Dear Drora, I'm so sorry for your loss!
    These are terrible news. I'm sending you and your family comfort and love.

  26. Hello Drora,
    I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Big hug,

  27. Drora, I am so sorryto hear this, and would like to extend my
    .sincere sympathy to you and your family

  28. Oh Drora! I am sooooo sorry to hear this sad news. My heart breaks for you and your daughters as I know from your past posts, how close you all were as a family . May GOD bless and keep you through this sorrowful time and bind you closer together as you begin to heal. Much love from me to you

  29. Drora, siento mucho tu pérdida. Espero que pronto puedas mitigar un poco tu dolor. Cuidate y recibe un beso enorme.

  30. My Dear Drora I am so sorry for your loss my deepest condolences to you and your family. I am thinking of you at this sad time. xxxx

  31. Lo siento mucho Drora, mi mas sentido pésame. Muchos ánimos para sobrellevar estos dolorosos momentos.
    Un abrazo muy grande

  32. .Wishing you and your family strenght and condolances

  33. im so sorry for your loss, im going to include you in my prayers you have my deepest condolences.

  34. Dearest Drora,
    I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My deepest condolences to you and your family. Much love to you all

  35. Dear Drora and Daughters
    I'm so sorry for your devastating loss! My thoughts are with you and I hope that the pain will ease and you will cherish the happy memories.

  36. Oh Drora, I am so very very sorry! My warmest thoughts and prayers to you all. Pam in Norway

  37. Dear Drora, my thoughts are with you at this time, I'm so sorry for your loss. Courage

  38. ,Dearest Drora

    .I have just read your message
    .My sincere condolences to you and your family

    .Sending you warmth and love and strength from afar

    Take care

  39. I am so sorry for your loss. My heart really breaks for you, especially now when at least here there is limited social interaction so mourning will be even more alone. . I am so very sorry.

  40. Ohhh, lo siento mucho Drora no te había leído hasta ahora, yo también perdí en Julio a mi mamá y me quede como tu dices, como si hubiera pérdido parte de mí. Ahora estoy volviendo a este mundillo blogger. Esta desde luego siendo muy duro y mas con las circunstancias que tenemos que se suman.
    Espero que poco a poco nos sintamos al menos con más paz.
