Friday, September 25, 2020

Vignette No. 4

Hello dear readers,

It's difficult to come out of grief and get back to miniatures.  Contrary to my resolutions, I hardly created or finished any of the projects I started.  Our COD-19 situation is getting worse daily. Only yesterday over 6000 people were pronounced positive. We are now back in enclosures and a strict quarantine is scheduled by our government for the beginning of next week. You will agree with me that it is certainly not a good cheer-up situation 

Today, I finished the last of my four vignettes. As planned, all four frames were sprayed with white paint and look much better than before.  For the No. 4 box, I again used stray pieces of wood from my stash.  The 4 inside boxes fit tightly into the frames, so the scenes inside can be altered and items can be taken out or added if necessary.

I have been working on the  BookNook.  The walls are nearly finished.  Goldie and Sarit are far ahead of me,  We are all waiting for the time the enclosure and quarantine days will be over for our next meeting until then I'll be able to catch-up with the girls and be ready for the final steps of our project.

I apologize for scarcely visiting your blogs.  I missed your last posts but will try to see as many as possible now that I'm here again.

Please protect yourselves, wear masks, and keep a distance from people and crowds.





  1. Slowly but surely...we'll get there.

    Take whatever time you need. It's your life. You've got to do what's right for you.

  2. Drora,poco a poco, de momento irás haciendo las cosas cuando realmente te apetezca hacerlas, sin forzar, ojalá pronto podáis retomar las reuniones, de esa manera te sentirás más animada.
    Tu nueva escena es muy, muy bonita! y los marcos pintados en blanco, hacen que resalten las escenas.
    Cuídate mucho amiga!!

  3. como te comenta pilar, poco a poco. Esto de las miniaturas es para divertirse y pasarlo bien, no una obligación. Cierto que del covid nos quita las ganas, pero para olvidarnos un poco de todo esto las minis son un buen refugio. Animo que tienes unos trabajos preciososc

  4. Keep in mind that to come out of ggrief takes a long time and the situation with covid 19 doesnt help. your vignettes are gorgeous.

  5. Dearest Drora, come out of grief is one of the most difficult things in life one can go through, and I really hope that making minis can give you some of comfort. This period must be so hard for you, especially now your counrty is going back into a lockdown, which means no family contact (in person) for you. I feel for you...
    I love all of the four vignettes, it's such detailed and tiny work behind a lovely white frame. So vlever of you that they can be removed for add, or restore, things on the inside.
    I now read that you are also busy with a Book Nook, one like Pilar was? Due to my absence of the blog world, I missed a lot of post of all of you, so... I so hope for you all the enclosures won't take that long, it's not good for people, especially elder ones. But we had, and still have to take much more care for ourselves, especially now the virus attacks even younger and healthy people, as we see here now.
    Take good care for your self, dearest Drora, be careful!
    Warm hugs, Ilona

  6. cuídate mucho Drora, que es lo más importante...

  7. Lovely vignettes! It's good that you have some energy to do them despite your grief - it always takes time.

    Thank you, too, for Goldie's regards! The Finnish Doll's House magazine is put together by a team of volunteers who receive only a nominal compensation for their work. The rest of us hobbyists pitch in by sending stories & photos of what we do and share instructions. It's all done for the love of miniatures! The costs of the magazine are covered by membership fees from the Finnish Doll's House association so it's a break-even situation. Finnish is a small language in the world and it's one of the reasons we miniaturists want to offer reading in our own language and are very proud to be able to do it.

    Very best wishes for you, Drora!

  8. Tus viñetas son hermosas y resaltan mucho más con el marco blanco.
    Por desgracia, hay muchos países que tendremos que volver a la cuarentena, pero pienso que tenemos suerte que nos gusten las minis, porque de cualquier cosa podemos conseguir algo bonito..
    Cuídate mucho y tén ánimos.

  9. Cuídate mucho. Trabaja en lo que te gusta y cuando te apetezca. Poco a poco el dolor va cambiando y la ilusión vuelve. Es un tiempo muy difícil para todos porque la soledad en estos momentos se puede acusar más pero ¡mucho ánimo

  10. Your 4th vignette turned out as wonderful as the other three - what a lovely scene and although tiny so full of details like this fantastic bird's nest - and the tyre swing. And it's amazing what difference the frames make - so good it worked so well and that this allows you to make additions or even changes. I wonder now if you have still enough space for another quartett of vignettes showing the four seasons. *smile*

    There's no need to apologize for not visiting our blogs etc. - take all the time you need for yourself in this hard time. Btw I like the saying that grief is the price for having loved someone... But I'm very sad about the news from your country about the new lockdown. Around here people also behave as if the virus went away and it's frightening how little we are prepared for the coming cold times. Take good care of yourself and best wishes to you!


  11. Ánimo Dora, todo esto pasará y es normal que a veces no se tengan ganas de nada, pero las miniaturas, ayudan a pasar el rato y no pensar mucho en lo que estamos pasando. Te han quedado preciosos esos cuadros, y que el marco sea blanco, me gusta, así resalta lo de dentro. Un beso y cuídate.Ahora hacía tiempo que no venía a visitarte

  12. The pandemic is still far from being's a real tragedy for the world.
    Your four vignettes are just beautiful and the frames are perfect.

  13. Dear Drora, I love your vignettes, I couldn´t pick a favourite one if I try, they are all amazing. And I also love you idea of framing them, it´s a great one. I hope things get better all around the world with this pandemic, we will get there. Please take care of yourself, find comfort in the fact that you are loved and appreciated. Hugs xxx

  14. Nice to hear from you. Please take care, dear Drora, this is a hard period for everyone. :( Hoping for the best... Hugs, Melli

  15. So good to hear from you Drora.Just take your time with life, there are no rules or goals to be set.As always your vignettes are lovely.

  16. Resulta descorazonador ver que los positivos aumentan cada día, tienes razón y entiendo que te cueste volver a tu vida normal, pero me alegro de que empieces a dar pasos hacia adelante. Cada uno tiene su ritmo, Drora, y no hay que forzar nada, el tiempo terminará por dulcificarlo todo, ya verás :) Esos marcos son perfectos para tus pequeñas escenas, ayudan a darles la importancia que les corresponde. Me encantan! Un beso

  17. It still looks very nice, cozy and beautiful for a wall, big hug and take good care of yourself.

  18. Que mal lo del confinamiento de nuevo, espero que la situación pronto vaya a mejor :D
    Esos cuadritos han quedado preciosos y que bien que puedan abrirse y cerrarse para cambiar cualquier detalle. Me encanta como quedaron :D

  19. Pues si , Drora, los marcos blancos le dan más luminosidad a las escenas.
    Estan maravillosas. Es una serie muy atractiva.
    Respecto a esta nueva era que nos ha tocado vivir yo creo que tenemos que aprender a vivir con este virus. La gente sigue contagiandose y algunas veces es por la irresponsabilidad de la humanidad. Esperemos que entre el juicio en nuestros cerebros. Tu sigue trabajando tus minis que te ayudarán a escapar de tanta preocupación. Lo importante es que tus seres queridos esten bien.
    Un abrazo
