Thursday, March 19, 2020

Flower making is a calming occupation

Hello dear readers,

Since the end of last week, no outsider is allowed to visit anyone at all the nursing wards in our country.  I am isolated in my own home, away from my husband who is hospitalized in his nursing home. I have more than enough to keep me busy but have no mood nor motivation to craft anything but flowers.  Making flowers is what calms and keeps me cheerful.  I also have books and watch my favorite series on TV and thanks to youtube, music from classical to jazz and pop, according to my mood.

Today, after many days of solitude, I went shopping, to the neighborhood supermarket very near my home.  It was nice to see the cashiers all wearing masks and gloves.  Very few shoppers.  I bought food supplies for the next week and returned to work, making flowers. On my last birthday, I received some beautiful flower vases. It's time to fill a few.

This vase is made by Nilly, my daughter.

These vases are gifts from my friends.

I was accepted as a member of two f/b groups which I like. This month I joined one more and this one suits me perfectly.
Turning trash into treasure is what I do mostly. I love recycling. Members of all the three groups are nice crafters like us, generous with sharing and showing their inspiring work, their tips, advice and links.

This video clip is very cute and funny.

I hope you all take good care and are safe in your homes.  Let's hope things get back to normal soon.
Meanwhile, happy crafting with blessings.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Muy bonitos los jarrones y muy bien decorados los jarrones con las flores,cuídese, besos:-)

  3. toca quedarse en casa en todas partes, nos quedan las minis

  4. Making miniature flowers as a therapy is THE BEST KIND of therapy and it cost lots less than the RealLife kind! Beautiful Work Drora!

  5. I love your flowers. Stay safe and healthy and keep your hands busy. Activity always helps.

  6. Tus flores son un bálsamo en medio de esta situación tan angustiosa, Drora. Mucho ánimo y cuídate; estoy segura de que todo pasará y cuando suceda seremos mejores porque habramos aprendido a valorar lo que de verdad vale la pena. Un abrazo

  7. Cada uno buscamos aquello que nos relaje durante esta cuarentena,somos afortunadas de tener un hobby! Y si lo que más te relaja es hacer flores y además tan bonitas,Drora, adelante! Esperemos que todo pase pronto y volvamos a la vida normal,mientras cuídate mucho amiga!!!

  8. In these tough times we are lucky to have our (making miniatures) hobby. So, do what suits you best at this moment, dearest Drora, and make wonderful flowers as these are. You've got wonderful vases for your birthday, it would be so lovely that they would be filled with your mini flowers ;).
    In The Netherlands we have much of the same precautions, as people have in lot of European countries, keeping social distance is just one of them. It must be so difficult for you for being not able to visit your husband. Stay healthy, take good care for yourself, dear friend!
    Warm hugs, Ilona

  9. Wat vreselijk Drora dat je nu bent gescheiden van je man. Ik kan me voorstellen dat je je veel zorgen maakt om hem. Fijn dat bloemen maken je nog wat ontspanning geeft. Je vazen zijn mooi gevuld. Ik wens je veel sterkte. Ik hoop voor iedereen dat de situatie weer snel normaal wordt. Dan kun je je man weer bezoeken. Veel sterkte. Dikke knuffel Xandra

  10. Miniatures help a lot in that situation, as far as I am concerned I also spend some time preparing work to send to my pupils. I must be very hard not to be able to see your husband, I hope you can phone him. Take care!

  11. I'm very sorry to hear that you're not able to visit your husband anymore... but it's a comfort to know he's in good hands and that this is a necessary protective action. We're lucky to have our special hobby - and to me it really makes sense that you're concentrating on flowers at the moment. What could be more cheerful? Your flowers look beautiful as always and it's so special that you're using vases that were giving to you for your birthday. Stay safe and take good care for yourself!


  12. La cuarentena es muy triste y más cuando estás sola y separada de la familia, pero tienes que tener paciencia y tranquilidad. Y si hacer flores ayuda...pues a hacer todo un jardín ¡Un abrazo Drora!

  13. What a great idea to make your amazing and cheerful flowers during this sequestering period most of us are facing. I have also had trouble getting myself to sit and work on my project for very long, but it does take me away to happier times when I do.
    I am sending prayers for you, your family and for Israel during this time of uncertainty. God Bless you Drora!

  14. I'm sorry to hear you can't visit your husband but we're all living exceptional times. I hope, too, that things would soon be back to normal. When normalcy returns, I think many people have learned to appreciate it more than ever before. Our hobby is a wonderful way to keep oneself occupied and your flowers are really lovely. Take care and stay safe!

  15. Esta situación es muy triste, pero tenemos que hacer todo lo posible para superarla. Por suerte tenemos este hobby.
    Las flores están preciosas.Seguro que harás muchas más.

  16. Miniatures are a good therapy and a wonderful way to keep busy and try to relax in these difficult times. Your flowers are so beautiful, I know it because I am lucky to have some. Dear Drora, please be safe and take care. Big hugs xxx

  17. I'm sorry that you can't visit your husband; I hope you can see him soon.
    Your flowers are wonderful and they are a nice remedy to keep busy. Take care dear friend.

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