Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Coronavirus is here

Hello dear readers,

All public festivities for our one and only religious fun holiday, Purim, have been canceled on account of the coronavirus.  It is an especially sad situation for the kids who wanted to show their masquerades outdoors. 
I am the only close relative allowed to visit my husband at the nursing home for fear of this virus, and as my daughters cannot replace me it means even less time for minis.
Today, there was a special Purim party at my husband's ward but no outside visitor or close relative was allowed to come, only the medical staff and help.
Not certain about tomorrow.  Other institutes like this one totally forbid outside visitors.

For the time being, we are officially isolated.  Anyone entering Israel will be quarantined for 14 days no matter which country he comes from.

I am very slow with the Jeweler's Facade project although the main structure is completed.
The shelves are finished and installed.  The ceiling is finished and later on,  I'll add shingles.

Inside of the box with dividers glued and fixed in place.

3 large bamboo skewers cut to size cover the open side of the 1/4 part of the backgammon wooden box.

Temporary cover template to be replaced with a fixed cardboard one.

There have been other miniatures to make in-between.  More nutshell and flower bouquets gifts for Purim. I couldn't take photos.  My I-phone4 battery, after seven years of excellent service, went dead on me. I preferred to buy a new phone which I just received, a very expensive I-phone11, much smarter than I am,  and slowly getting acquainted with it. Here are photos of a few gifts, meant to be given away today.

 here is a great tutorial for a modern kitchen faucet and sink.

I wish you a healthy rest of the week free of viruses and blessings only.


  1. Estamos en unos momentos muy preocupantes en todo el mundo, es la globalización para lo bueno y para lo malo.Su proyecto de fachada de joyero va muy bien . Ahora toca paciencia y esperemos que pronto se supere , lo que ya denominan pandemia. Cuídese

  2. Mucha paciencia y mucho animo Drora, esto va para rato,cada día se va complicando más, pero hay que tener paciencia y poco a poco se irá solucionando y podremos seguir adelante... El proyecto de joyero se ve muy bien ya, deseando verlo acabado, Cuidate... un beso.

  3. It seems that no countries will be spared, life will become strange. Miniatures can help us to stay calm.

  4. its happening here in ohio, I think our president saved us from getting the worset of it. Im still a little paranoid but a long as no one sneezes around me Im ok. stay safe

  5. I'm sorry to read that now you will be the one and only visitor of your husband, dear Drora, that must be so hard for the both of you. But regarding the precautions to this dangerous virus, I think it's the best.
    Here, in The Netherlands, we've also got since this evening lots of restrictions regarding public life.
    Stay safe and healthy, der friend.
    Warm hugs, Ilona

  6. This virus seems to be taking over everything everywhere but I'm glad that your still in good health and spirits despite the extra work and worry it has caused you and your family, Drora. Such a relief to have something to do with your hands when you are in limited as to what you're able to do and your display case is progressing very nicely AND the flowers are Lovely!

  7. Be careful and get as much rest as you can! I love your little flowers, they're totally adorable.

  8. Me alegra saber que estáis bien,el virus es muy contagioso,pero manteniendo las recomendaciones sanitarias se pasará mucho antes.Lo más importante es mantener la calma,la histeria y el miedo son más peligrosos que el propio virus.
    Me gusta el planteamiento que has hecho de la fachada y las flores son hermosas.

  9. I hope all of the measures taken will keep those at risk much safer from the virus, and I wish you extra energy in being the sole supporter during this time. It is truly a new world we live in with good things like amazing new technology but also scary things like pandemic threats. The flowers are so lively and wonderful, and cheered me as I woke to snow on the ground this morning!

  10. I hope everything returns quik to normal so you and your children can visit your husband as often as you like

    Big hug Xandra

  11. Yes, these are scary times. At the moment I'm writing this Denmark is closing its border to my country... and from Monday on all schools and Kindergarten will be closed. It's frightening to see how this spreads to every place in the world - but although it's sad that your family members can't visit your husband at the moment it's a relief that at least you are allowed to visit him still. And it's also a relief that we miniaturists are able to craft our time away. Your flower pots look awesome and being the proud owner of some I know well that they look even better in reality. And I really like the way your shop develops, the shelves look awesome and I can't wait to see more progress.

    Please take good care of yourself!

  12. Por desgracaia es un mal trago que debemos pasar, y espero que sea más pronto que tarde.
    Me gusta mucho como has planteado esa fachada y las flores son preciosas !!!

  13. Nunca pensé que se extendería de esa manera y que habría tantas restricciones . Cuídate mucho y sigue trabajando lo que puedas. Es una buena vía de escape.

  14. Entre todos haremos que esto termine y solo sea un mal recuerdo; entretanto seguiremos acompañándonos por aquí. Cuidate mucho, Drora! Qué bonitas se ven tus flores... es como tener la primavera dentro de casa :) Un abrazo

  15. I hope these measures help you and your husband in the long run. Stay well. I'm looking forward to seeing more of the jewelry shop.

  16. In Italy the coronavirus is rampant; we are all locked in the house because the situation is dramatic...
    Your Jeweler's facade is interesting and I'm curious to see more. I love your beautiful flowers!

  17. Dear Drora Keep safe and well. Here in Ireland all schools and some shops are closed now also pubs and restaurants even weddings have been cancelled.I am sure your husband is delighted to least see you . Its very scary times. Your flowers are beautiful. Take care my dear friend .
    Love Maria

  18. Hello Drora, first of all, have very much encouragement , here in Spain we are also at home locked up. That new scene looks good, and the plants are beautiful. A very big virtual hug.

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