Friday, March 27, 2020

Confined at home.

Hello dear readers,

We don't know how long we'll be confined but one thing I do know is that it will be over and I'll have to create many thank-you gifts to the medical staff giving their selfless attention and care to my husband and other patients hospitalized in their ward. We cannot visit our beloved but we get fresh, daily videos and photos to see how they are.

I'm continuing to make flowers, about one vase full a day, but in between, I'm making the walnut shells scenes for gifts. The ones from the exhibitions have returned and I can use some. The nutshells were the most popular item in the exhibition, everybody liked them, so it's safe to say they will be good gifts.

What I'm doing now is preparing stands to glue the nutshells on.  I'm not completely satisfied with them, you be the judges.  I used recycled styrofoam from food plates for the stands.

Is this too much?  I want it to have a fresh spring air but I'm not sure it has it.  Also, there is to be a connection between the nut and the stand. I am thinking about adding steps.

Do you think that the one without a garden around it looks better?

These are stands in various stage of decorations.  If I won't use them for the nutshells, I can always make other scenes with them.

With the addition of accessories, this can make a nice garden corner.

I forgot to take pictures of the flowers this morning when there was sunshine for a few hours.
The photos which I took this evening are not good.  I used a lot of yellow. I miss the sunshine.

I hope everyone is safe and taking care of his love ones.

I wish you a calm and blessed weekend.


  1. Oh, Drora, tus pequeñas nueces en sus pequeños jardines me parecen maravillosas! A mi me encanta como se ven con la peana llena de verde y de flores. Pienso que además, si van destinadas a gente que no tiene este hobby, con la base se ven mejor para colocarlas y que luzcan en cualquier sitio, no crees? No sufras por no poder visitar el hospital porque así los estás protegiendo hasta que todo esto pase. Cuídate mucho y sigue con tus duendes y tus nueces porque son un regalo precioso que dejará una huella dulce de este momento horrible que nos ha tocado vivir. Un abrazo mu fuerte

  2. I think the little garden is lovely. And you could do fall foliage for a different season, or snow on the ground maybe. I'm glad you get news of your husband at least, since you can't see him person to person.

  3. Me parece genial la idea de la plataforma.Seguro que a las cuidadoras de su marido las gustarán mucho, es un alivio poder ver a su marido por cámara.Buen fin de semana y a seguir bien.Besos:-)

  4. Yo reo que quedan muy bien con la plataforma.Será un gran detalle para con las personas que están cuidando de tu marido

  5. Drora,añadir esas bases con pequeños jardines,embellecen aún más las escenas de los pequeños duendes! Una gran idea,se ve tan colorido y lleno de vida!
    Que pases un buen fin de semana.

  6. How nice Drora that the staff takes pictures and videos of your husband. It is terrible that you cannot visit him now. Hopefully this may soon again. What a wonderful gifts you make for the staff. Even if they do their job with love, they will appreciate such a personal gift. I think the surface is beautiful and I would leave it at that. Nice that spring feeling. We can use that now. Good your being creative to change your mind and fill the time. I have also been in full qurantaine for 2 weeks now to avoid getting corona. I am also very happy that I now have my project witch house. Strength and stay healthy. Big hug, Xandra

  7. a mi me gustan más con el pequeño jardín alrededor, ojalá que todo pase pronto para todos ...cuídate !

  8. I love the nutshell with the garden, I think it's really gorgeous.. They would make perfect gifts for the hospital staff. When it's over tey will need recognition.
    Stay safe.

  9. I'm so happy for you that the staff take pictures and videos so you can see if they are well. People become inventive in having a bit of contact with our beloved ones.
    Your gifts for the staff are all wonderful, but I love most the ones with the garden at the base. I also agree with Sheile that you can give the base an other look, for autumn and winter.
    I so love seeing your flowers, so cheerful.
    Stay well and healthy, dearest Drora!
    Have a calm and blessed weekend.
    Warm hug, Ilona

  10. .Oh how cute, I like it with a garden

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  12. Creo que el jardín en la base le da un plus, para mi gusto lucen más asi.Mcha fuerza, ánimo y abrazo

  13. Las nueces quedan muy bien con la base proporcionandole un lindo jardín a la escena.
    Queda maravillosa.
    Espero que sigáis bien durante esta dura prueba que nos envía la vida.
    Animo y adelante.
    Un saludo

  14. It is so wonderful that you get daily photos and videos of your husband! That mist make being separated a little easier!
    And yes! God bless those in the medical field! We are so fortunate to have them and must be grateful for the enormous sacrifices they are making for all of us!
    I really love the landscaping you are adding to the nut shell scenes and think stairs and wishing wells and shrubbery and flowers only make them more adorable!
    Stay safe and well dear Drora!

  15. They look wonderful! I think they will be great gifts. Yes, I am so impressed by all the medical workers, it is very scary to work now here because of the shortage of PPE. Wishing you and your husband well!

  16. Que bonitas lucen tus cáscaras de nuez en esos pequeños jardines. Me gustan más así. y seguro que a los cuidadores les encantarán.
    Cuídate mucho.

  17. Your tiny gnome homes in a nutshell are Precious Drora and I like the ones with the garden Best! Seeing the teensy yellow flowers reminds me of sunshine too and although we had some this morning, it looks like the rain is getting ready to pummel the earth all over again, so Very Thankful for your little gardens which are a welcome change! :D

  18. I am glad that you are well and that your husband is been looked after well. It´s great that we have minis to help us coping with these times. Your idea of the nutshells gifts is wonderful and very thoughtful, they are so beautiful. Take care xxx

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