Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Still confined alone at home

Hello dear readers,

I hope everyone is taking care, following the COVID-19  rules and stays healthy.

If you are bored with what you're doing and want some change, here is a lovely modern "Chihuly-glass" art item you can make like the one I did by following this link

The nutshells are coming along just fine.  I already opened and scrapped clean about 20 halves. But working on them only drives me nuts.

The steps are also made of styrofoam.

The hardest part is scrapping the insides clean.

In order not to fall asleep from the boredom on the job with the nuts I made a little leaves tutorial  I'll need this tutorial when the COVID-19 curfew is over.

The stems are glue stiffened thick embroidery yarn.

Paper punches for making these leaves and flowers. Any other 1/8" flower of simple round punch can replace this one.

Next post, I'll show you another leave tutorial with leaves being a by-product of a tiny star punch.

Happy Fool's Day tomorrow and blessings with we all need.



  1. Glued embroidery yarn... I would never have thought of that! You're amazing.

  2. The modern glass is amazing and his red color is perfect.
    Creations with nutshells are small masterpieces. And the flowers...simply perfect.

  3. What a neat and fun glass tutorial! Thank you! And thanks also for the leave tutorial! We may all just get so board during this seclusion that we finally try all the wonderful tutorials we've dreamed of doing "someday"!
    The stairs on the nut house are wonderful!

  4. Que bonitas creaciones Drora´s.Cuídate mucho.

  5. Estás muy trabajadora en tus casas de nuez.Gracias por los dos tutoriales. Cuídate,besos:-)

  6. What fun tutorial for making 'glass' objects, Drora, thank you for sharing this link!
    I think that scrapping clean the nut shells is often the hardest and most boring job, but alas it has to be done.....but the result of the foam steps is fantastic!
    Thank you fir the leaf tutorial, dear friend.
    Stay safe and healthy dear, Drora, take good care for yourself!
    Warm hugs, Ilona

  7. Muchas gracias por el enlace,me parece precioso el trabajo con el plástico!
    Tus nueces,a pesar del tedioso trabajo,se ven realmente bien,ahora empieza el trabajo divertido!
    Gracias también por el tutorial de las hojas Drora.
    Mantente a salvo.

  8. A good way to keep busy while at home.
    Take care! Geneviève

  9. Lo mejor para la paz del espíritu es el trabajo creativo.
    Espero que estéis bien en este duro tiempo que corre
    Veo que tu sigues trabajando con muy buenos resultados y creando maravillas.
    Un saludo.

  10. You are doing a great job at keeping yourself busy. I know that sometimes parts of the job can be tedious, I find tedious a lot of tasks, lol. I just like the easy parts! But keep the good work going because I am sure that the results will be wonderful. Take care xxx

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  13. Tus cáscaras de nuez son cada vez más bonitas y las flores están genial.
    Gracias por el enlace, es muy interesante y fácil de hacer.
    Hoy ha salid por correo un paquete para tí, no sé cuanto tardará en llegar. Avísame por favor cuando lo recibas.
    Cuídate mucho.

  14. ¡Vaya imaginación que has echado!
    Estupendo ya has hecho todo es trabajo duro con las nueces y están preparadas para su pequeña escena

  15. Thanks for the fantastic tutorials, your "glass" rose turned out beautiful and your flower branch is amazing. This border punch with the tiny flowers was a good find for a talented miniature flower maker like you. And your nutshell production is impressive - although I have no doubt that the cleaning is very annoying. Didn't Tina Turner sing about this in "Nutshell Cleaning limits"... eh... oops... wrong memory... *broadgrin* The steps you added to your bases are a fantastic addition and I'm already looking forward to see your next tutorial. In the meantime - keep on crafting, work in your chair (*wink*) and take good care of yourself!


  16. Sé que tus nueces son muy laboriosas, pero quedan tan bonitas que cualquier esfuerzo merece la pena. Alguna vez que yo he enredado con cáscaras de nuez las limpio con ayuda de un cuter, has probado? ayuda mucho a vaciar bien el interior. Con tus flores no me atrevo, jaaaa! no tengo paciencia y me desespero; me sabe mal porque me encantan las flores en mini, pero soy incapaz de montarlas. Cuídate mucho, Drora y no dejes de venir por aquí; te mando un abrazo

  17. !O Drora 20 half notes, what a job, good luck
