Saturday, July 23, 2016

Fairy Chairs

Hello dear readers

Sometimes I feel I'm on an isolated island with my miniatures while crazy fanatics run around feeling
free to shoot and kill innocent people.  It's like a Russian roulette, you never know who and where the next victims will be.  I feel guilty in dealing with trivial things like making miniatures these days but devoting my time to make minis is an escape and  has a calming effect.

Remember that decorative plastic flower pot cover?  I managed to cut more fairy items out of it.

I wish you all a safe and calm Sunday and a wonderful summery week ahead.



  1. Good idea, thanks for sharing. Hugs

  2. Mirar tus pequeñas cosas, tan delicadas, reconforta de los horrores del mundo, Drora. Un abrazo

  3. Yes it is terrible what is going on in the world sometimes I despair for the human race :( Wow You have made some amazing items from your pot holder Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful ideas Drora.
    Hugs Maria

  4. What a pretty idea! And just look at these fantastic chairs! Great work Drora! Hugs!

  5. Hello Dora! those furnitures are very cute and fairylike. I wish you and to your family all the best
    Best Regards: Lea/Willa Helmiina

  6. Привет Drora!Я хочу, чтобы люди на планете жили в мире, чтобы они создавали прекрасное и удивительное! Вы молодец! Я думаю, что каждый человек должен создавать что-то прекрасное!
    Вы сделали очень милый мебельный набор!
    Самые лучшие пожелания!

  7. Hello Drora,
    That was so creative and the furniture came out beautifully. Don't feel guilty about working on miniatures. I agree the world is a scary place right now, but stopping all the beautiful things will only make it more desolate.
    Big hug

  8. Don't feel guilty when dealing with what you like so much... what else can we do than go on with OUR way of life. Nevertheless it's spooky here in Germany when *coughcough* "experts" are discussing the difference between a terror and an amok attack sounding as if "just" amok was better than Islamist terror. As if it would matter why innocent people have to suffer or even die from bullets or now from a bomb... So it's good to see your newest ideas - what a great mini eye you have to see the fairy chairs in your wonderful and useful lace pots! The result is stunning, especially with the delicate flower garland. Keep on making minis, dear Drora! ;O)



  9. Si supiésemos que dejando de hacer miniaturas las cosas se arreglaban estoy segura que todos lo dejaríamos, pero no va a ser así.
    !!!Lo que has hecho es genial

  10. Querida Drora, vivimos en un mundo de locos en el que no se sabe porque se realizan algunos actos tan brutales. Me encanta ver que hay personas como tu que intentan escapar de esta locura y si es haciendo las miniaturas tan bonitas que haces es perfecto

  11. Es terrible la situación mundial, pero también hay hueco para la distracción y tus miniaturas son preciosas
