Saturday, April 27, 2013

Incredible dolls - part 2

Dear readers,

Again I want to share with you more gorgeous dolls created by a master Norwegian artist.  I wish I could buy one doll but I'm sorry I cannot afford the price. It would also be very hard to make a choice. They are all so adorable.

A wonderful Sunday to all of you.  Blessings


  1. son verdaderamente hermosos, algunos artistas hacen tantas maravillas que si se pudiese tendríamos las casas llenas de ellas
    un abrazo

  2. ES increible. Algunas parecen niñas de verdad. Un beso

  3. Yes, she makes wonderful dolls. Several years ago I saw a program about Sissel Skille on TV. In the program, she showed how she works out her dolls in Cernit clay. It was wonderful to see. Lots and lots of work with each doll. She is world-renowned for her dolls. You can search for her name on Google and hit: "view image" and get up all her dolls there. Incredibly good.

    Lil on Lilsdolls

  4. De verdad paracer humanos, que maravilla de artista esta mujer!

  5. Hi Drora! This is astounding! They look so human! This artist is extraordinary. ?Thank you so much for sharing his work. I am quite certain that I could not afford him either.

  6. Forgot to say that I have a book with a whole chapter, 11 pages, showing how Sissel makes their dolls. Images and text that shows the entire procedure step by step. It's really fun to have.
    When the book was written and published in Norway, she was named Sissel Skille Björstad.
    The book is called "Make dolls yourself" by Tone Bergli Joner

    Lil on Lilsdolls

  7. In Swedish the book is called " Gör dockor själv "
    Sorry for all the posting.
    Lil on Lilsdolls

  8. She is a true artist. It is beyond my comprehension, that she can make them as reality faith. If I saw the pictures without knowing they were dolls, then I would believe that it was images of children.
    She is talented, and I have great respect for her artistic abilities, but I also thought it's a little creepy. I am seduced by the artist abilities, to believe that they are living and it scares me a little. It's like looking at children. But art is probably also always seduction.
    Thanks for showing.

  9. Hello Drora

    The dolls are amazing beautiful....

    Have a nice sunday

    Greetings Xandra

  10. They are really fantastic. Some of them look like real kids. They are all mesterpieces, but that´s a proud price too!
    Hugs Melli

  11. For me, for the dolls they look too real.;D But you are right, Drora, they are beautiful! Hugs

  12. Hello Drora, these dolls look so very much like real childeren, it is incredible. Hugs, liduina.

  13. These dolls look real! They're fabulous.
    Bye, Faby

  14. Dear Drora, dolls look like real girls! are so beautiful, I love this" girl" in red adorable!

  15. Son adorables, a mi también me encanta, feliz domingo:)

  16. Que preciosas muñecas, parecen niños realmente

    besitos ascension

  17. Это невероятно !!!!! куклы как живые дети!!! здорово. цены конечно тоже волшебные!

  18. Sono veramente stupende, hanno delle espressioni che le fanno sembrare vive! Grandissimo artista chi le ha realizzate!

  19. WOW! they look so real, and you get a very nice gift from Jose, wonderful

  20. What an amazing artist - thank you for sharing! On some photos you wouldn't expect to look at dolls. But dear Drora... maybe once you can make your dream come true. Have a look at the page of Goetz, okay, these are made of vinyl, but much more affordable:

  21. Son realmente fantásticas. Estan hechas por unos verdaderos magos del modelaje. Es impresionante

  22. Wow only you said that they were dolls I would have taken them for children. Amazing dolls. Thank you Drora for sharing.
    Hugs Maria

  23. Какое большое искусство! Каждая кукла имеет свой характер! Осмысленный взгляд! Удивительно! Очень талантливый человек! Drora, спасибо, что поделились такой красотой! Хорошей недели!

  24. Son impresionantes, parecen reales.
    Gracias por compartir estas fotos.
    Besitooos y feliz semana.

  25. Ma che belle queste bambole! Sembrano bambini veri e hai proprio ragione Drora, è molto difficile sceglierne una. Baci Manu

  26. I love what you did with the broken jewelry. The dolls are too close to real kids.
