Sunday, November 19, 2023

Wartime miniatures.

 Hello dear readers,

At the end of October, I ordered special trimmings for the eyedrop=bottles planters.  The trimmings like all my other orders did not arrive because of the situation in my country.  Still I wanted to finish the planters before Christmas and Hanukkah, so I just used a hook and crocheted something to trim the edge of the planters.  Close to my home there is a flower shop where I regularly order flowers for gifts.  The owner, a nice lady, agreed to sell me a block of green flower sponge.  Now I have a light and inexpensive material to fill the planters.

My first flower filled planters. Different flowers will be "planted", two at a time. Making flowers is my favorite pastime, lifting my mood.  I hope to be able to show you more in my future posts.


You can see the crochet trim clearly on the empty planter.  Don't know if it's as good as what I ordered but I rather like the result.

Above you can see the "before" between the "after".

This is the foam block, it was much longer but I cut off  a third to fill the planters and there still a big chunk of the third left.

All these used to be eyedrop and vitamin D bottles. These are only half of the little containers the folks at the Day Care center collected.

The siren alarms are almost over, here where I live.. Yesterday there was only one in the afternoon. I hope today there will be none. We all pray for the safety of our hostages and hope they return to us as soon as possible. Before that there is no chance that the fighting will stop.

Have a great creative week with peace and blessings!  



  1. que bien que en medio de la locura que vives conserves ganas de hacer miniaturas lindas ...cuidate!

  2. It's good to hear that you have the desire and energy to work on miniatures and the crochet trim works perfectly!

  3. Hello Drora, good to see that you can still tinker a bit. The flower pots and poinsettia plant turned out very beautiful. Good to hear that it is quieter in your country at times and we hope and pray that the hostages can now go home quickly, take good care of yourself, big hug

  4. Me encanta ver que continuas con tus preciosas miniaturas y que las sirenas suenen menos. Esperemos que para Navidad esté la situación mucho mejor y que los rehenes vuelvan a sus casas. Un fuerte abrazo

  5. Hi Drora! Your poinsettia and flower pots are very cute, and so well done! Have a good week!

  6. Hi Drora!
    Your plants pots are very fine! What trimmings have you there?
    Hugs Britt

  7. Gorgeous miniatures!!! The crochet trim is a very good idea and the result is perfect. I'm glad that your miniatures still keep you busy and help you to bear this terrible situation. Let's keep hope.

  8. El ribete que has puesto ha quedado muy bien.

  9. I'm glad to hear there are less siren alarms now... and meanwhile (as I am late to drop by... you know... it's the season... the season when you hear me shout "I have way too much You-know-what-stuff"... eh... where was I...) the first hostages are home again. We all can not fully imagine what this means for them and their families... and not what they had to go through - but we can share their joy and relief and hope for all the others to be freed too and soon.

    It's good to see you crafting... and once more - what could be better than creating flowers? Your poinsettias are beautiful and so perfect for the coming days. And your planters prove once more they're the perfect way of re-using stuff that would otherwise had gone into the trash bin. How kind of your florist to give you this light stuff! And I don't know about your order - but your self crocheted border looks so fine that I can hardly imagine the ordered one could have been better. Stay strong and keep on crafting!

    Birgit (I shipped a box to your place Nov 24th... asking myself if this will ever arrive at all and if it will... WHEN. I mean... remember this year... I think it was February or so... and this in "normal" times. *sigh* Anyhow, we need to keep our faith and belief - also if it is about gifts to arrive *smile*)

  10. Such lovely flowers and brilliantly devised planters, Drora! Hope you are enjoying the peace, for now, and getting to accomplish some of the creativity you are famous for! Hugs!
