Wednesday, October 11, 2023

 Dear readers,

First of all let me thank all my blog friends for for their encouraging words  You touched my heart.

My family and my brothers' family are all OK.  Most of us live in the center of our small country, and except for occasional missiles landing here and there causing damage, we are safe thank God.  The situation is horrible in the south.  I gave up watching TV.  The pictures I've seen are heartbreaking and cause sleepless nights.  

Contrary to the Corona period when we were confined at home, we, who are retired, school kids or people who can work from home are again confined at home where we have special space shelters.  At least we get to know our neighbors their frightened kids and even their poor pets for the short whiles we sit there together. We got used to hearing the siren alarms going on before each missile attack is foreseen and have enough time to reach the shelter and pray that a missile will not land on our building. We sleep dressed up to be ready for the shelters.

I'll continue to post once a week, just to let you know we are OK.

Thanks again for your concern.

Hugs, and blessings.


  1. Hola Drora, es una gran alegria que tanto tu como tu familia se encuentren bien. Imagino lo difícil que es esta situación ,estamos orando y rogando a Dios para que esto termine. A través de la distancia les enviamos todo el amor y bendición posible. Fuerte muy fuerte abrazo!

    1. Thank you dear Amary for your kind words. We have known too many wars here in Israel but we always hope there will be peace one day.

  2. Querida Drora, me alegro que te encuentres bien tu y tu familia. Es muy doloroso lo que estáis pasando, parece increíble, en este mundo tan avanzado sigan los hombres matándose y ser tan crueles. Mi corazón está con vosotros, un fuerte abrazo

    1. Lo peor es que nuestros enemigos son extremistas terroristas. Pasará mucho tiempo hasta que las cosas se calmen pacíficamente.

  3. Very difficult and disturbing times but I'm glad to learn that you and your family are OK! I still watch the news despite all the horrors that the Israelis have had to experience. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your nation.

  4. Me alegro mucho que tanto tu como tu familia os encontréis bien. Las imágenes que llegan de tu país son terribles. Cualquier guerra lo es. Parece mentira que hoy en día sigan ocurriendo estas cosas.
    ¡Cuidaros mucho! Todo mi apoyo y energía para que esto acabe. Un abrazo.

  5. Drora it is so good to know you are safe. Your faith, wisdom, resolve and determination must be such a comfort to your neighbors and those you are sheltered with. You are present in my thoughts and always in my prayers. Hugs.

    1. Dear Jodi,
      Our spirits are strong. There is no other choice. I hope we'll never, ever, go down to the level of hatred that this fanatic group has against us. I wish our neighbors learn to live with us and share peace and prosperity instead of war an chaos.

  6. Darling, my heart is with you. Madness is on the Ground. I wish you strength, patience and good luck.

    1. Dear Katerina. Thank you so much for your support, in this sad time of madness.

  7. I had of course thought of you a lot these last days. I'm glad to read that you and your family are ok, nevertheless it must be very difficult to live this dreadful and frightening situation. You'll go on being in my thoughts. Big hugs

  8. Thank you, dear Genevieve. Your kind words make me strong.

  9. I really can't wait to see your next message here confirming me that you are still okay! Thank you in advance for keeping us informed as (and I think I may say this in the name of all of us) we are totally worried about you.

    I can only repeat myself, it's beyond my imaginiation what you and the Israeli people have to go through. Even the phrase you've used about "occasional missiles landing here" gives me the shivers... I'm so grateful that I never had to experience something like this.

    With best wishes and big hugs

  10. Dear Birgit,
    I know you and other friends are concerned. This is the reason I try to answer comments on this post. As you now know, I'm still here. The missile attacks are getting more frequent. Tonight we already had 3 of them. My heart breaks looking at the poor adorable toddlers, still half asleep, pulled out of their beds in a hurry bed to quickly reach the sheltered space we share together. I'm hoping for the best and pray for peace.

  11. Dear Drora, I am thinking and praying for you and your family. xxx

    1. Thank you, dear Alex for your concern. My town has been under 8 missiles attacks yesterday, luckily with no human casualties. I pray that tonight they'll let us sleep quietly. I hope David's relatives are OK. xx

  12. I'm so glad to hear that you're all right.

    1. dear Sheila,
      Thank you so much for thinking about me. We are all wishing for better days and do our best to stay strong and hopeful.

  13. Dear Drora, we pray for you and your family and for Israel, I wish you and your family a lot of strength in this difficult time, big hug!

    1. Dear Gonda,
      Thank you for your warm words which strength my spirits.

  14. Dear friend, I hope you are safe and sound. A big hug.

    1. Dear Faby, Thank you. I do my best to stay safe. When it's necessary, I stay in the sheltered space together with my neighbors. xx

  15. So sorry to read that you're living in these horrible circumstances. Hope that you and your family be safe.

    1. Thank you, dear Mieke. We are going through a very difficult and complicated time but we are strong and keep our spirits high. xx
