Sunday, January 10, 2021

Book-Nook procect completed

Hello dear readers,

I finished my first BookNook, lights, and mirror are installed. It was a lot of trial and error work but I'm pleased with the results.  The only thing left to do, as soon as the lockdown is over, is to order a framed glass front to keep it dust-free.  One of my daughters has a wall to wall library, the other one also has a large collection of books, and so have my grandchildren.  From now on  I'll be busy making a BookNook for each of them. I don't have any special theme for the future BookNooks, I just want them to look pretty with lots of plants and flowers and if possible, a book shop in each.

Without lights

With lights on

The balcony which was made over a few times.

2020 has been a terrible year for us. I lost my beloved husband, and because of the epidemic, couldn't stay with him during his last days.  It was either sink into a large dark void and cause the family anxiety and more sorrow or gather courage and go on living independently as usual.  Our beloveds are never forgotten, they stay in our hearts and souls forever. 

A few days ago I received my first shot of the COVID-19 vaccine.  My second and last vaccine shot is scheduled for the 28th of January.  By the end of this month, over two million citizens here in Israel will be inoculated and by the end of this mild winter, we shall all hopefully be inoculated.  Meanwhile, we stay in strict lockdown until further notice.

I'm looking forward to a Happy 2021 and wish safety and good health for all.  



  1. Your book nook is very fine, I am so sorry for your loss. . I hope that it will be a better year. I will not take vaccine, beacause I am very allergic about medecine, I have been in carantine since March 2020Many hugs from Britt

  2. Your book nook looks amazing. I really like the details.
    The vaccine is important and you're lucky to have already done so.
    Let's really hope 2021 is a better year.

  3. Your Book Nook looks wonderful, Drora, and it's nice to read that your (grand)children will get a Book Nook of their own from you. This way you have some projects on forehand, because it's good to look forward and to stay busy.
    How difficult it must be for you to gather courage and to go on with your life. Cherish your memories of your beloved husband in your heart and in your mind.
    Here, in The Netherlands, the vacination program has just started and of course, the first ones in line are our health workers, so we, ordinary people will have to wait for a while....but it is for a good purpose.
    Let's hope 2021 will be a better year.
    Stay safe, take care, dearest Drora.
    Warm hugs, Ilona

  4. precioso tu trabajo, me alegro mucho de que ya hayas iniciado el proceso de indemnización, este año será mejor que el pasado, eso te deseo!

  5. Claro que sí, Drora, hay que hacer todo el esfuerzo necesario para conjurar la tristeza y seguir adelante Estoy segura de que 2021 va a ser mejor que el año pasado y estas pequeñas cosas que hacemos nos ayudan a recorrer el camino que falta. Tu Book Nook es una preciosidad, me gusta tanto que estoy pensando en hacer uno para mi. Me encanta la profundidad que le da el espejo y lo alegres que se ven los balcones llenos de flores. España está bajo un terrible temporal de nieve y frío y ver esa calle tan alegre de tu Book Nook me parece el lugar mas apetecible del mundo, ojalá pudiera recorrerla ahora :) Celebro tu vacuna, empezamos a ver luz al final del túnel. Un abrazo

  6. Drora tu book-nook ha quedado precioso lleno de recuerdos, alegre vivo, como la memoria de tu amado esposo. Es muy bonito que quieras hacer uno para cada uno de tus hijos y nietos, vas a estar muy ocupada,se pondrán tan contentos cuando lo reciban!
    Me alegra saber que ya has recibido tu primera dosis de vacuna, sois el país que mayor número de vacunas ha recibido, aquí las cosas van despacio, hay problemas de logística, espero que pronto se solucionen!
    Han empezado a vacunar en residencias de ancianos y al personal sanitario, luego serán los mayores de 80 años y después con el resto de población,por lo que deberemos de esperar, pero todo llegará.
    Mientras todo pasa, sigue con tus minis y con tus proyectos, mantente a salvo amiga!

  7. Your book-nook is fantastic. Your children and grandchildren will be happy to have them and as you say it will keep you busy to make more of them. I agree with you that our beloved ones always remain alive in our souls and hearts forever.

  8. Your book-nook is gorgeous, you did such a great job! I am sure your family will love those you will make for them, it´s a wonderful idea to keep you busy and the creativity flowing. You are such a brave woman and great rol model, I wish you all the best. So happy you got your fist vaccines. Keep safe and busy xxx

  9. I love your book nook. I hope the vaccines are successful and that this year is better than the last with lots of family time! Hugs

  10. It is just lovely, I'm sure your family would all love one too. Thank you for sharing. Take care x

  11. Me alegro que hayas terminado tu escena.
    Estoy impaciente por ver que vas a realizar en el siguiente book-.
    Esta Preciosa. Un saludo

  12. Te ha quedado muy bonita ..Es un tema nuevo que también me gustaría intentar .Espero ver tus nuevas escenas. Un abrazo

  13. Está precioso Drora, me encanta como ha quedado.Y tu proyecto de hacer oara tu familia es fantástico, aunque tendrás mucho trabajo.
    Me alegra que hayas recibido la primera dosis de la vacuna, a ver si por fín acabamos con esta situación.
    Sigue cuidándote.

  14. Me encanta como ha quedado el libro. Has conseguido un bonita profundidad. El proyecto de hacer uno para cada uno de tus hijos es buena idea.Vas a tener un buen trabajo durante una temporada.
    Me alegro que la vacunación vaya bien en tu país y que tu ya esté vacunada . A ver si los demás también conseguimos coger un buen ritmo. Cuídate

  15. I really enjoyed to see your finished book nook - but somehow I enjoy the news about more book nooks to come even more. *LOL* It's a wonderful idea that you're going to make book nooks for all family members... what a perfect gift for book lovers. And the concept of not having a concept as long as they are pretty sounds great to me.

    You are for sure a wonderful lady with a very good attitude towards life. And I'm very happy that you already received your first "shot". Around here things are going slowlier, it will take a lot of time until it could be my term - but as long as it takes, each vaccination is a small step to make things better. Take good care of yourself!


  16. Your booknook is lovely
    I hope the vaccin will protect you
    Stay healthy
    Hugs, Xandra

  17. The book nook looks great, it has become a really nice street, beautiful work

  18. Dear Drora, Very sorry to hear the sad news of the loss of your husband. Your family will look to you for your good example of seizing life to the fullest - just as your husband would have wished I am sure.
    I am intrigued by the simplicity of the book nooks - the use of a mirror to extend the view is so clever and I look forward to seeing many others making and sharing their nooks with us.
    Regards Janine in BC, Canada

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