Thursday, December 17, 2020

Giveaway Results

Hello dear readers,

It's time for the raffle so here is the list of participants. I added all the names of those who kindly commented on my tutorial to those who commented on my previous, 13. Dec. post.

1. Milimari.  2. Xandra.  3.  Britt.  4.  May.  5.  Marian.   6.  Carmen.    7.Elena.  8. Fabiola.  9. Ilona.   10. . Alexandra.  11. Pilar.  12. Rosa Maria.  13. Sheila.  14. Eloisa.  14. Isabel.  16. Birgit.  17. Nina.              18. Pilar.  19. Carmen.  20. May.  21. Xandra.  22. Teresa.  23. Ana.  23. Matxalen.  25. Teredu.  26. Naran. 27. Sheila.   28.  Elena.  29.  Eloisa.  30.  Ilona.  31.  Robin.  32.  Blanches.   33. Jodi.   34. Marian.              35. Cyberarpia.  36. Birgit.  37. Rosa Maria.  38. EVA.  39. Alexandra.  40. Isabel.  41. Fabiola.

Congratulations dear Rosa Maria! Please email me your address to 

We had a small relief in the COVID-19 plague situation. Families and small groups could go on outdoor trips, of course on condition of wearing masks and keeping distance. My grandson Gilad and his family traveled north and brought me a souvenir from the Sea of Galilee, tiny seashells. I got them yesterday.

Unfortunately, the number of those infected in the epidemic is rising and there may very well be another enclosure soon. I hope to be able to send the prize on Sunday morning.

I wish you a calm and safe weekend with blessings.


  1. ¡Que sorpresa! gracias Drora por esta oportunidad. Feliz Navidad, besos

  2. Congratulations Rosa Maria!

    Such sweet little shells too.

  3. Congratulations to Rosa Maria, enjoy your win!!
    What a lovely surprise of your grandson and his family, dear Drora, he knows what can cheer you up: thire visit AND a gift of your famous sea shells ;)!!
    Warm hugs, Ilona
    I am glad to read that you can go outside for now, but stay safe and take good care, dear Drora.

  4. Feliz Navidad Drora y felicidades a Rosa por ser tan afortunada.
    Un saludo

  5. Este virus es una maldición que no nos da respiro... me alegro de que tus nietos pudieran tener ese alivio y pudieran acercarse al mar. Han sabido elegir muy tu regalo, eh? han debido pasar un buen rato recogiendo esas conchas diminutas :) Estoy segura de que harás algo precioso con ellas. No he tenido suerte en el sorteo así que solo me queda felicitar a la ganadora y darte las gracias por esa ilusión. Cuídate mucho, Drora! Un abrazo

  6. Muchas felicidades a Rosa Maria por ese bonito premio.
    Fantástica esa colección de mini conchas, seguro que harás minis muy bonitas con ellas.
    Feliz Navidad y cuídate mucho.

  7. Felicidades a la ganadora.Deseando ver que haces con esas hermosas conchas, cuídate ,mucho y feliz navidad!!!

  8. , feliz navidad menuda colección de conchas preciosas! cuídate mucho Drora

  9. Las conchas son muy bonitas.
    A ver si pronto llegan las vacunas y conseguimos librarnos de ese fastidioso virus.

  10. Congratulations to the lucky winner and thank you for a wonderful giveaway. I am glad you got those fantastic shells, you make wonders with them! Dear Drora I wish you a happy and safe Christmas, take care and happy holidays! Xxx

  11. Congrats to Rosa Maria and a big thanks to you for the chance.

    I hope you've enjoyed lovely days of Hanukkah... different than usual (VERY different.. I've been thinking of you because it's not only the pandemic that made these holidays different for you) but lovely still. And what a wonderful surprise that your grandson and his family collected tiny shells for you! Now 2021 will become a good year - Drora is able to create her stunning shell miniatures and I'll be able to admire them here on your blog! ;O)


  12. Congrats to the lucky winner.
    Beautiful gift from your grandson; the seashells are very tiny.
    Merry Christmas, dear friend.

  13. Your grandson knows you well. I am so glad you were able to see him. Happy Holidays!

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