Sunday, October 4, 2020

A well explained link on how to make a BookNook.

Hello, again dear readers,

I have been using the new blogger for quite a long time but was unable to make the link I installed in my post yesterday, workable.  I apologize and here it is. 

Have a nice Sunday with blessings!


  1. el nuevo blogger nos está dando problemas a much@s!

  2. Pgfff!!! Con lo bien que nos manejábamos con el blogger tal y como estaba; no entiendo estos cambios, para mí no lo han mejorado en absoluto :(

  3. Ohhhh! He comentado antes de ver el enlace... ahora entiendo lo que nos contabas del cristal, es genial!!! Gracias por compartir, Drora, me encanta esa idea

  4. Thanks for sharing this video with us (even more because the new blogger wasn't *surprise!* helpful). I've really enjoyed it - and especially the Aha-effect about the mirror. First I was wondering about the mirrored back - but seeing it in the finished project made every thing clear. What a stunning effect!


  5. Gracias Drora! Imaginé que era ése vídeo,ya que yo también lo !tenía guardado y me parece una explicación clara y genial

  6. Gracias Drora, a mí se me abrió sin problemas.

  7. Muy interesante el enlace. Gracias

  8. Hi Drora! I am glad to see you are safe and continuing to make your projects! You are so creative with such basic materials! I really admire your results! I will explore this book nook link. I hope you have continued success with building it. Stay safe and keep making minis. It is good to have projects in these difficult times!
