Monday, April 20, 2020

Corona gnomes

Hello dear readers,

I hope everyone is well and continues to take good care of himself and his loved ones. Our government attempts to curb the epidemic is beginning to show a small success. Yesterday, for the first time, the number of recoverers was larger than the number of new patients.  Being confined at home for an elderly person like me is not so bad when I have the freedom to do anything that interests me and provisions are brought to my door. Soon my daughters and I will be able to visit my husband with a glass door separating us.

For a long time, everything went smoothly with posting and Google, now, all of a sudden photos from my blog disappear.  The computer wizards in my family can't come and see or explain to me what is the problem.   I've seen it happen in other blogs too, so I can't blame Baalatova, my witch, for being responsible. I'll have to bribe Baalatova.for help but she is too busy teaching Solly and Kitty a new language - Yiddish. Why Yiddish, a dying language? Very suspicious..... will have to check this out.

My present project, the nutshells gifts will be finished by the end of this week or before.  Most of the work, preparing the shells, emptying and scrubbing them clean, making the bases, painting, etc.has been done. The fun began with the greenery and flowers which was a time-consuming job. I also loved making the bunnies.  Today I finished and baked the gnomes. One gnome was broken.

This is how they looked before I baked them the first time, beardless.

This is how they look after the second baking, complete with beards on.  It's good I made an extra one.

I've already filled a few shells today but I'll show them all (15) together.  I must confess, it felt like mass production and I'm not in favor of that.  I love working with tiny scales but one at a time.

Bless you, my dear friends. Stay safe and healthy!


  1. My pictures disappeared from my blog too! Only the last three posts though, not all of them. Very weird. I had to go and upload the pics again.

    I love your gnomes. And I hope you get to visit without the glass door in place very soon.

  2. Los gnomos están fantásticos.Lo bueno que tiene hacerlos así en serie es que vas mejorando la técnica con cada uno de ellos

  3. It is such wonderful news that soon you and the girls will be able to visit your husband face to (glass separated) fac! That must be the hardest part of the whole thing and make you worry more when you can't personally see to him every day.

    Oy Vey! Baalatova teaching Yiddish can only mean trouble! You're going to have to think of something to keep them busy quick!

    The gnomes are such characters! I love them! You have been so creative with all of this time and are going to have some amazing little scenes to show for it!

    Stay safe and I hope the good news for Israel keeps coming!

  4. Precisamente ayer mismo,escuché las buenas noticias llegadas de Israel y comentaron lo de las visitas a residencias,a través del cristal,de los familiares! Por supuesto me acordé de ti y de tu marido!!!
    Aquí también son buenas las noticias y empezaremos esta semana que viene con la "apertura" para ir poco a poco dejando el confinamiento.
    Tus gnomos con barbas se ven preciosos todos juntos tan coloridos y en espera de habitar sus pequeñas casas.

  5. Dear Drora, what wonderful news that you'll be able to visit your husband soon, even with a seperating glass door in between it will be good to see each other again! We all live in odd times and we have to deal with it, the best we can....
    Regarding to the photos disappearing of your blog: let's shake hands, mine are vanished too. How comes?? I really don't know, but maybe it is a problem of blogspot...?
    These new made gnomes look so cute (even if they're beardless ;O). Your gnomes however, can't they help you for searching all our photos?? I ask you this, because here, in The Netherlands, we often ask the gnomes for help, if something is lost ;)!
    Stay safe and healthy, dearest Drora!
    Blessings, Ilona

  6. I had the same problems on my blog. No pictures or albums
    Your gnomes are lovely

    Stay healty. Big hug Xandra

  7. After reading your post I had a look at some of my posts and realized that in one post some photos are not visible. It may be a problem coming from google. If they don't reappear after a few days and may follow Sheila's advice.
    I'm so happy for you to know that you'll be able to see your husband with your daughters. Wonderful news!
    Your gnomes are very cute.

  8. Bonita colección de gnomos. Yo de momento no he perdido fotos del blog y cruzo los dedos para que no me pase. Si me ocurre les pediré a tus gnomos ayuda.
    Celebro las buenas noticias de que pronto podréis reuniros con tu esposo.
    Un saludo

  9. Me alegro Drora que ya comencemos a ver la luz después del tunel y puedas ya ver a tu marido con tus hijos. Tus gnomos son muy bonitos lleno de color.Sigue así, besos:-)

  10. Tus gnomos son adorables.
    Que fantástica noticia que ya puedas visitar a tu esposo. Poco a poco nos recuperaremos.

  11. Your gnomes are as cute as buttons Drora, and What a relief for your ! daughters who will soon, get to visit their dad at the hospital

  12. The gnomes are so cute!! You have really done a great job and considering how small they must be it´s even more remarkable. I hope you get to see your husband and daughters very soon. Keep the good work and stay safe. xxx

  13. Hola, Drora! Al menos en una de mis entradas, a mi también me desapareció una foto en el blog y no sé cual haya podido ser el problema. Si te puedo contar que yo lo arreglé editando la entrada y volviendo a incluir la foto eliminada. Tuve suerte de que solo fue una la que desapareció; bueno, quizá haya más dañadas y no me he dado cuenta... Aquí parece que las cosas en cuanto al Covid también empiezan a mejorar aunque aún no se puede cantar victoria; esperemos que pase pronto. Entiendo lo que dices de la "producción en serie"; a mi me pasa lo mismo, pero es una delicia poder ver a todos tus pequeños gnomos juntos :) Un abrazo

  14. Your little gnomes are so cute, I love them! You have really done a great job! I hope you get to see your husband and daughters very soon. A big hug

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. It's great news that you'll be able to visit your husband soon together with your siblings. And although there will still be a separating glass it's still better than just photos.

    I've so enjoyed your cute little gnomes. And although I understand what you mean when you say you dislike mass production I must point out that you're totally wrong about your gnomes being mass production. Each tiny guy is a character and a personality of its own - very individual! ;O) So good that you're reaching the end of your nut scene making for the medical staff and that you'll be able to hand these gifts out soon.

    Best wishes for your health and keep on crafting... and baking gnomes and beards. And not to forget keep on having an eye or two at Baalatova and the gang... Jiddish??? What are they up to? I'm feeling somehow alarmed now... *LOL* Btw did you know that we're using a lot of words in German language that have their origin in Jiddish? ;O)

