Friday, February 7, 2020

Winner and "work shop"

Hello dear readers,

Carmen's and Eloisa's names were added to yesterday's list of participants. Now the number is 25.

I used the Random True Number Generator to pick up the winner.

Por favor, Elena manda me por email tu direccion. (

Thank you, dear friends, who took part in the draw for all your kind comments.
It is always a joy to make someone happy with a giveaway but sad that only one can win.  I know it must have been disappointing for some of you.  I'm trying to find a way to make up for it with this little "workshop". You will see how simple and fun it is to make these DIY minis from easy to find inexpensive materials.

1.  For the lipstick, Penelope, I used a common chain lock.  Many before me made and are still making lipsticks from these locks, the only difference is the black paint on some parts as you can see in the photo and the teeny-tiny piece of red Fimo instead of a toothpick inserted in the opening. Instead of throwing away the excess metal loops, you can use them to make 4 tiny little rings. Just thread them on a toothpick and glue a nice nail stone on the opening.

2.  Powder compact. (From my tutorial  made back in 2012)

Material used:
Gold colored  7 mm (3/8") sequins
Flesh or beige-colored Fimo or other polymer clay - I used Creall-therm #42
Silver card for "mirrors".  (A disposable food aluminum tray's cover)
Office punch
PVA glue

Punch out a circle from the card.  Make a little ball from the clay and flatten it to a disk to fit the inside of the sequin. (You can use flesh or beige-colored craft foam instead of Fimo and punch out a disk with the same office punch. In this case, you don't have to bake.)
Bake the tiny disk at the required temperature.  Glue the punched circle which will be the "mirror"  to one sequin. Glue the clay disk to the other sequin and glue them together as you see in the photo.

That's all folks. Isn't it fun? So simple and looks good inside a tray or on a dresser. A tiny decoration can be glued behind the mirrored sequin to hide the hole.

3. Necklaces.  I already posted on how I make the velvet coated form. Black painted cardstock can replace the velvet.  As for the necklaces, I just want to add a tip.  If you can't find a suitable thin chain to join the front of the necklace you can paint a regular crochet thread with gold or silver acrylic and glue it on it instead.

4.  Boxes.  Tutorial on my previous post.

5.  Perfume bottle.  A plastic bead and the part of behind earlobe earring, and a  short sewing pin. you tread the pin through the earring part and the bead. This earring part can be fixed the way you see it in the first photo or turned upside down, the way you see it in the second photo. sometimes, in order to keep the bead on balance punch a circle of cardstock or craft foam and glue it underneath.  The stopper and the circle look good when both are the same color.  I glued a tiny flower cutout from a napkin on the green bead. It's good to keep tiny cutout labels out of magazines for this purpose.

The same stopper on each bead looks completely different.

6.  Narrow flower vase. From each  medical needle protector, came out a tall drink glass and a narrow flower vase.  The open basis of the vase is sealed with hot glue. Any narrow transparent plastic tube can do is you glue it on a base,  a jewelry finding for instance.

7.  Roses.  In the picture below you can see the paper punches I used for making the roses. (tutorial from Pinterest. Here)

The stems are made from the green embroidery thread stiffened with glue. (see photo below.)

Have a wonderful weekend with blessings.


  1. Congratulations Elena!
    Wonderful tutorials, Drora!
    And may I say again how lucky we are to have talented you and your special blog in our lives!

  2. Congratulations to Elena! Thank you for the tutorials!

  3. Congratulations to Elena!! Your tutorials are fantastic and clear, Drora, thank you for sharing them so genrously with us!
    Have a lovely weekend. Blessings.
    Hugs, ilona

  4. Yoooooo!!! Soy yo!!! Lalalaaaaa... Gracias!!!! Tengo muchísimas ganas de tener en mis manos ese pequeño capricho, Drora :), me encanta!! Me cuesta creer lo diminuto que es todo... ese anillo ensartado en una cerilla es increible! Te envío un mail y un abrazo muy fuerte

  5. Thanks for the tutorials, so easy! I have to find the time to study your whole blog. And congrats to the winners!

  6. Felicidades a Elena y gracias a ti por tu generosidad y por el tutorial,besos:-)

  7. Enhorabuena a Elena! Y gracias a ti por los tutoriales y por el bonito sorteo

  8. Yo llegue a tiempo para el sorteo ,muy buenos los tutoriales ., felicidades a Elena !!

  9. Congratulations Elena! I'm going to try the tutorial as well, this should be fun.

  10. Muchas gracias Drora por apuntarme a tu sorteo.
    Gracias también por tus estupendos tutoriales y muchas felicidades a Elena.

  11. Dear Drora, you are so very talented... I have missed viewing your work. Thank you so much for your sweet comment, and taking time to visit.

  12. Congrats to Elena - I'm looking forward to see what she's going to do with your wonderful items. And thank you so much for sharing these fascinating "How to's" with us - you're very good at explaining, it's a pleasure to follow your tutorials.


  13. Congrats to the lucky winner.
    Your ideas are fantastic! Thanks for the tutorials.

  14. Many Thanks for the shared this informative and interesting post with me.
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  15. Felicidades a la ganadora, se lleva unas maravillas... unas minis preciosas y ademas explicas como hacerlas, muchas gracias, todo conocimiento siempre es agradecido... unas maravillas tus minis... un beso.

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