Thursday, September 12, 2019

miniatures in a display glass cabinet

Hello dear readers,

There is a lot of interest and it's only one miniature cabinet with four shelves.  I wanted it to be in my husband's ward for the medics, nurses,  take carers and patients' families to enjoy.   There is very little
space for it in this ward but, I insisted.

The moment my daughter unpacked the items, people gathered around us, very curious to see the items, wanting to know what they were made of.  Some thought the walnuts shells were plastic. Some wanted to know how long it takes to make a certain item.  The questions were and still are endless but fun to answer.  I, myself never know how long an item takes to make. I had to explain that for me crafting is occupational therapy. Some of the items are from recycled materials and yes, I can't deny it, I am a hoarder.  Whenever I throw something away I get to regret it.  I hoard wooden boxes, old tiny designed cotton materials, packaging materials, etc.  Looking at stalls, it was hard for them to believe that my only carpeting tools are a knife, a miter box, and a small hand saw.

I get inexpensive wood from boxes.  Saves me sawing efforts.

Back in 2011, I made a step by step photo tutorial for a simple very easy to make market stall.
If anyone is interested here.

There is always a  gathering near the display cabinet which makes it almost impossible to take pictures.

Wonderful surprise gifts arrived, sent to me by my granddaughter Tali who for the time being lives with her family in Utrecht, Holland on account of her husband's job.  Tali loves browsing in second-hand book stores. She found two vintage dollhouse books for my collection which made me enormously happy.

This hard covered, very heavy book is a l975 edition.

This hard covered, very heavy book is a 1976 edition.

I wish you all a wonderful sunny weekend with blessings.


  1. I'm not surprised that people are so interested and that you have to answer so many questions. I'm sure seeing your miniatures makes people happy.

  2. Es normal que con tantas cosas bonitas que llevabas, la gente se entusiasmara viéndolas .
    Felicidades por esos fantásticos libros.

  3. I too am not surprised that people are so fascinated and have so many questions. People who are not related to miniatures like us have no idea what is possible with a bit of skill, knowledge, talent and loads of fantasy. ;O)

    Your display looks awesome and it's so nice that it was possible to have it in the area where your husband is. Good that you insisted. And your darling daughter spoiled you with some lovely books - have fun studying them!


  4. Imagino cuánto interés debe despertar tu vitrina, Drora; es imposible no dejarse atrapar por el encanto de todas esas pequeñas cosas :). Además, es una maravillosa forma de hacerte presente en esa habitación; me encanta!!! Un beso muy fuerte

  5. preciosos esos libros Drora! y felicidades por el éxito de la exposición...

  6. Congratulations for the exibition.
    These books are important for a miniaturist; have fun!

  7. The displays are a wonderful showcase of your endless creativity, Drora, and I can totally understand why they are drawing a constant crowd!
    I enjoy recycling too - it just adds an extra layer of !satisfaction when you are able to make something new and useful again!
    What a lovely granddaughter to be on the lookout for mini books! I know you'll find some wonderful tips in them that will spark another bunch of creative ideas!

  8. Me alegro del éxito de tu exposición. Estuve por tu tierra y me acordé de ti pero no disponía de tiempo

  9. Дорогая Дрора!
    Вы очень щедраяи креативная леди! Я не удивляюсь, что много людей восхищаются вашими мини. Ваши витрины великолепны! Я очень рада, что вы получили такой великолепный подарок! Книги замечательные! Ваша внучка вас любит и ценит!

  10. Your display is wonderful. I am sure it is giving a lot of joy to a lot of people. It is lovely when people are interested in our hobby and ask questions. Fantastic gift from your Granddaughter I love looking at mini books.
    Hugs Maria

  11. I'm sure the display gives a lot of joy to everyone and they will discover something new every day. My miniature club was organized a small display in a major hospital for one month and many long-term patients were sorry to see it go. Although they were not miniaturists, they found something interesting to look at every day and it made staying in the hospital nicer.

  12. Me encanta la vitrina, la exposición, los libros, que maravilla, enhorabuena por esa expo...besos.

  13. ,Hello Drora

    The display of your miniatures at your husband's ward
    .is outstanding
    .What a wonderful idea to put them there for all to enjoy

    ,Hugs from Germany
