Sunday, March 24, 2019

Hello dear readers,

First of all, thanks for your get well wishes.  It helped, my fingers are already
much better.

While I'll be preparing something for my promised giveaway, I've made, with
the help of young Dana, a very simple "Honey, I shrunk the candies" tutorial
to share with you.

We cut the candy's cellophane wrapping into small pieces, put a little colored
seed bead inside and twisted both sides around it.

To make this long-legged candy bowl you need a goggle-eye blister and a
transparent push-pin.  Hold the push-pin metal part over candlelight and
with a player slide it out. Glue the two together.  If necessary, sand smoothly
the rim of the blister.

A warm welcome and thanks to my new followers!
Happy crafting and lovely spring to all with blessings.


  1. I love your little candies! Perfect little dish for the coffee table.

  2. Bonito y sencillo tutorial,muchas gracias!
    Drora,me alegra saber que tus dedos han mejorado!!

  3. How sweet are these little candies, thank you for this nice tutorial, Drora. It's good to read that your fingers are recovering and you can make again something in miniature!!
    Have a lovely spring, with blessings.
    Warm hugs, Ilona

  4. Hello Drora,
    I am glad your fingers are doing better. These miniature candies are beautiful. Well done!
    Big hug

  5. Fantástico,I will definetly try it!!!!!! Hug

  6. Great sweets!!! I'm glad your fingers are better.

  7. I'm glad to read your fingers are better.
    Your mini candies are so real that I would like to taste one.

  8. Ya lei tu post anterior y me alegro que hayas mejorado el nuevo tuto creo que es fácil de hacer ,gracias por una nueva idea . y Felicidades por tantísimas visitas ,mejoría Bsss

  9. Ver en grande y pequeño hace que se aprecie lo real que queda.
    Un abrazo

  10. Muy bien pensado!!!! Y además muy dulce-

  11. A clever way of making mini candy!

  12. The candy dish is such a wonderful and clever idea! I may have to borrow it. And the candies look awesome as well!

  13. Qué idea tan simple, pero qué bien puede quedar en nuestras mesitas; gracias por compartir, Drora! Me alegro de que ya estés recuperada :) Un beso

  14. Gracias Drora por este bonito tutorial,besos:-)

  15. Hi Drora! I am glad to hear your hands are healing! The candy tutorial is wonderful.... and simple! And they look delicious too! Thank you for sharing the methods and materials for making it. I think I need to try this one! :)!

  16. So glad your hands are better Drora my daughter suffers from them so I know how painful they are. Wonderful tutorial and so easy to do Thank you for sharing.
    Hugs Maria

  17. Qué buena idea, y que buenos caramelos !!

  18. I'm so glad to hear your hands are better now! And thanks for this very sweet tutorial (I couldn't resist this one *grin*). And how lovely that "Honey, I shrunk the candy" was a co-project with Dana - I would suppose one of her main tasks was making sure there was enough supplies of candy wrappers… *teehee*


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