Thursday, June 7, 2018

Birthday gifts

Hello dear readers,

It's been a long time since I last posted.  My husband had serious health troubles with several emergencies trips to the hospital.  Thank god, he's better now with an installed pacemaker which brought him back to life.  My birthday, a few days ago went by quietly without celebrations.
I got gifts from Fabiola, my two daughters, and grandchildren.

From Faby

Thank you dear Faby for your lovely handcrafted gifts.

From my granddaughter Tali - a hand drill

From my daughters - Magnifying glasses which can be worn over regular eyeglasses.

Also received but cannot show here, from my daughters who knew I have no time these days to shop for a new wardrobe, a pair of jeans with a paisley blue and white top.

Some of the plants in the garden around our building are coming slowly back to life.  Here is one
with its miniature companion.  The miniature looks more alive than the r/l one.

Hoping to be able to do some work on the flower shop soon.



  1. Oh dear, ofcourse, we understand that you can't think of blogging, now your husband is in hospital. Hopefully the pacemaker will give him help and trust, I do hope he will recover soon. Take good care for yourself too, dear Drora.
    So sweet that your grand-/children and blogfriends have spoiled you with lovely gifts, enjoy it!
    Warm hug, Ilona

  2. No supe de tu cumpleaños a tiempo pero te felicito ahora, Drora; nunca es tarde para eso, no? Me alegro de que tu marido se recupere y de que las plantas vuelvan a crecer; las obras son espantosas pero todo pasa :) Te mando un abrazo

  3. Belated Happy Birthday Drora. I am sorry to hear about your husband and hope he will make a speedy recovery. Pacemakers are amazing. I love all your presents but my favourite is your mini plant on the big plant. So sweet!

  4. Aunque tarde, feliz cumpleaños!!.Espero que tu marido se recupere rápidamente

  5. I'm glad your husband is on the road to recovery. And make sure you take care of yourself too. You don't want to get sick. Happy belated birthday. I hope this year goes smoothly for you!

  6. Happy Birthday Dear Drora! I bet that having your husband feeling better was the best gift you could have received!

  7. Muchas felicidades Drora!! Me alegra mucho saber que tu marido va recuperándose,es una gran noticia!

  8. Hello Drora, I am glad to hear that your husband is getting better, I wish him a complete recovery. You had nice birthdays gifts, I wish you a very happy year

  9. Great gifts ! I'm glad to read that your husband is better.

  10. Fantasticos regalos y sobre todo mucha salud para tu marido .Un abrazo Drora

  11. Ohhhh lo siento mucho Drora que hayáis pasado por tan malos momentos, pero me alegra saber que ya va mejor y que con el marcapasos le han podido solucionar los problemas. Ahora es cuestión de paciencia que se vaya recuperando poquito a poco.
    Ya verás como el año que viene todo va mejor y lo celebráis todos juntitos :D
    Los regalos son divinos que miniaturas tan lindas te han regalado, la plantita aunque primero no la veía, jajaja, después me resulto adorable.
    Me encanta el regalo de tus hijas y tu nieta, que regalos tan útiles, la de uso que les vas a dar dentro de muy poquito.
    Os deseo una rápida mejoría . Un besote gordo!!!!

  12. First of all - my best belated Birthday wishes! It's sad to hear that it had to be a quiet one… and to learn about the reason why you have been so quiet lately. I'm very sorry to hear about your husband's new health issues… but I'm glad to hear the pacemaker makes it better. My best wishes to you - and for your husband's health recovery. - The photo with the plant in 1:1 and 1:12 was great, let's hope the real plant learnt something from the tiny relative. And you've received some wonderful gifts - enjoy!


  13. I'm so sorry for your husband and I'm glad to hear that he's fine now.
    I'm happy that you like my gifts. All the gifts are beautiful; enjoy!
    The mini plant is a perfect copy of the real plant.

  14. Bonitos regalos de cumpleaños y aprovecho la ocasión para felicitarte ya que no me había enterado a tiempo.
    Felicidades, espero que tuvieses un día fabuloso y bonito.
    Un abrazo

  15. A happy birthday to you Drora! and I think that the best gift by far, :))was your husband's recovery ., but the minis are definitely the icing on the cake! :D

  16. Happy Birthday! I'm glad to read that your husband is better now. The miniatures are beautiful!

  17. Hi Drora, so good to hear your husband is doing better. Sending you lots of birthday love. Your new mini treasures are beautiful and I'm sure the tools will come in handy. Hugs, Kristine

  18. Me retraso bastante, pero espero que hayas disfrutado de un feliz cumpleaños.
    Espero que tu marido se recupere muy pronto .

  19. Que pena lo de tu cumpleaños, los importante es que tu marido esté bien y fuera de peligro, siempre se puede celebrar . Los regalos son geniales.
    Muchas felicidades atrasadas y disfruta de los regalos.

  20. Hello Drora, I am sooooo happy that our husband is feeling better. Thank you for continuing to share a creative part of your life with us. The flowers are so lovely. Hugs, Felma

  21. Дорогая Дрора!
    Я надеюсь, что вашему мужу стало лучше. Я желаю ему здоровья и сил. Я рада, что ваши дочки такие внимательные леди!

  22. Good to hear that your husband is doing better now and belated birthday wishes for you!

  23. We have awesome birthday gift ideas. If you want to send birthday gifts in India then we have best gift collection for you.
