Saturday, March 25, 2017

Under the lemon tree

Hello dear readers,

Within a few days we'll be celebrating our Passover. This holiday is the time for family gatherings around very festive tables  The shops  are having sales of very elegant plastic disposal dishes and other table items. Not cheap but work saving.  As I was looking around I found these little cases. I asked the shop keeper what they were meant for and she didn't have a clue.  Neither had I.

First thing that entered my mind was DUST FREE tiny scenes!

Sitting under a lemon tree can be risky.  Good thing he had his hat on.

These hard, transparent plastic cases come in packages of 10 units.  Making different scenes in each of the ten will keep me busy for hours but, on the other hand, they'll be great gifts.

I was unable to resist and bought this cute plastic cake decoration set. Some of the pieces are good for 1/12" projects.  (The seventh dwarf refused to be photoed.)

I wish you all a pleasant weekend with lots of fun.  Blessings!


  1. charming scenes, beautiful idea

  2. Me encantan tus cajas!!! Yo las llamo "bomboneras" y he llegado a encontrarlas de varios tamaños, la mayoría de cristal. Tengo unas cuantas por aquí y por allá. Les suelo poner una puntilla en la base y algún lacito y quedan divinas para mi gusto. También las he regalado a mis amigas como expositor para algún muñequito. Creo que ha sido un gran hallazgo! Feliz Pascua, Drora y un abrazo

  3. la escena es encantadora y la idea de protegerla es genial. Fuera polvo. Yo siempre procuro hacer lo mismo, protegerlo.

    Un abrazo

  4. Ha sido un buen hallazgo. Quedan muy bien las escenas que has montado.

  5. Muy buena compra!!! además de quedar las pequeñas escena libres del polvo,adornan muchísimo,lucen mucho más!!
    Que bonitas las figuras de blancanieves y los enanitos!!

  6. Ohhhh te ha quedado preciosa la escena ahí dentro protegida, a mi me ha recordado a las campanas de cristal con figuras dentro, aunque imagino que las tuyas son de plástico, pero quedan divinas para las escenas pequeñitas :D. La base diría que es una copa de helado :P, pero la parte superior ni idea para que sirve, así que como campana queda preciosa :D. Que figuritas de blancanieves tan bonitas.

  7. That's a very good idea to make little scenes in the domes.

  8. Hi Drora! Happy Passover! Those plastic domes look amazing! What a great find! I also love the little scene you made! I know you will have fun with these!

  9. I am not sure what the proper greetings are for Passover. However I wish you all the best for all times. May you have good health and happiness. Amein.
    What a great buy for saving your miniatures. Good Find eh?

  10. Hello Drora,
    Happy Passover. What an amazing find. Those domes are beautiful and I love Sitting under the lemon tree.
    Big hug

  11. Great idea with the domes. I like your first scene.

  12. Blogging is so educational... I never knew how risky it can be to sit and relax under a lemon tree! What a fantastic find - and whatever these plastic domes were meant to be... now they've found their true destination. They are perfect for miniature scenes and the funny lemon tree scene shows this well. Also a nice find about Snow White and the six photo friendly dwarves plus the shy seventh dwarf.


  13. Дорогая Drora! Поздравляю с большим праздником Пасхи! Примите мои самые лучшие пожелания для вас и вашей семьи! Вы меня рассмешили! Вы правы, что сидеть под деревом очень опасно! :) :) :) Вы сделали большие покупки, поздравляю!

  14. Hi Drora! You made wonderful scene in dome! Good to know how dangerous lemon trees are! :D

  15. Una escena encantadora. Me gusta mucho, has hecho una composición preciosa, Drora. Un beso

  16. Que gustan mucho .
    Un abrazo

  17. Hello Dora,
    your mini scene is so cute!
    Great idea.
    Greetings and a big hug

  18. .What a great way to keep your minis dust free
    .I love the little man with his hat
    .So cute and tiny
    !!!But - beware the dangerous lemons

  19. Hi Drora! Happy Easter! Wonderful shopping, lots of prospects.
