Sunday, December 13, 2015

The Third Advent Sunday Swaps

Hello dear readers,

One more Sunday post to show all the wonderful swap gifts from my four talented and very creative blog friends.

From Maria

From Leena (Leena doesn't have a blog)

From Kikka

From Fabiola

Both Baalatova and I thank you dear ladies for your very lovely and thoughtful gifts.  I hope you'll enjoy mine as much as I do yours.

The following photos from the internet show real size cakes which look like miniature scenes.

If you want to see more awesome cakes from the same source, poke Here.

I wonder who ordered cakes like these and can't imagine  someone actually ate them.  It's pure

I wish you a wonderful rest of Sunday and the week to come with my blessings.


  1. Beautiful gifts from many friends and wonderful cakes.

  2. Great swaps and great cakes. :) Have a great week ahead! Hugs

  3. Ay, Drora! Yo tampoco podría comerme esos pasteles, jajajajaja! Qué maravilla recibir tantos regalos, me hace ilusión verlos contigo! Un abrazo

  4. Enjoy your wonderful gifts of blog friends, Drora, they're all so wonderful :)!
    I would love to eat a piece of those delicious cakes ;)!
    Have a nice week. Hugs, Ilona

  5. Preciosos regalos. Las tartas son muy originales.

  6. Ah, what a shame to eat those masterpieces of sculpting with (I guess) marzipan and fondant... we miniaturists do it better with polymer clay I guess... Thanks for sharing these stunning cakes - or should I better say pieces of food art? Once more it was a big joy to see the gifts you received out of this swap - but I'm still undecided... who is the luckier one... my dear friend Drora or Baalatova? Hmmm... let's see what Advent 4th will bring... *LOL*


  7. Hello Drora,
    What great minis you received and thank you for those wonderful cake pictures. what artistry!
    Big hug

  8. Lovely goodies from some fine ladies

    I love the snowman village cake, so delicate I would be worried eating it..but i would eat it ;)

  9. Hola Drora!! Unos regalos preciosos!! Las tartas son increíbles, jajaja yo tampoco seria capaz de comérmelas!! Un beso!!

  10. Que bonitas cosas estais intercambiando que bueno tener tantas amigas de las minis que las disfrutes . Las imágenes de las tartas impresionantes y bellas . Felices fiestas . Un beso y un abrazo

  11. Estupendo intercambio y gracias por las fotos de las tartas, son ideales para cualquier miniaturista, me encantan. Un beso.

  12. Que bonitos intercambios Drora, estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo, es un pecado comerse esas maravillosas tartas. Gracias por enseñarnoslas.
