Monday, September 7, 2015

1:48" cottage completed

Helo dear readers

Finally, this 1:48" scale cottage project is complete.  I am rather pleased with myself when I see
what I accomplished.  I'd love to start  my witch project but next week is our 2-days New Year holiday followed by two more important holidays and this will be enough to keep us busy with family life. I'll probably just keep on working on my Christmas gifts and swaps.  Better start early to have them ready on time.

Here are some photos of the interior which I'd like to share with you.  Hope you like them.

I shall most certainly make other little houses on this scale, in fact I already have plans for a new one. but it takes a lot of patience and time and right now I want to begin the witch project.

Welcome to all my friends who are back from summer vacations.  I'm sure you all enjoyed a lovely time.

Blessings to all of you



  1. Wow! The furniture and house are beautiful. Such amazing detail in such a small scale. Congratulations

  2. It is such a sweet cottage! Pretty work Drora!I don't think I would be that patient to make so teeny furniture and cottage too! Hugs

  3. Wow Drora your tiny house is gorgeous. I love the wonderful furniture. Congratulations my friend on finishing your fantastic house. I am looking forward to your witchy project. Have a wonderful new years holiday.
    Hugs Maria

  4. Simply sweet cottage!! cute furniture, beautifully done! hugs, Magda

  5. I love this tiny house, it is so gorgeous and fantastic!
    Amazing job Drora! ;)

  6. Wow! Drora your tiny little cottage is wonderful! I love the furniture you have made! The color is perfect! Hugs

  7. I love love love it!!! I am going to have to try and make something tiny too, so inspiring! Thanks so much for sharing Drora. Blessings, Pam xx

  8. Que preciosidad, Drora. Es un primor tan chiquitito. Me gusta mucho.Besos

  9. Precioso Drora. Siendo tan pequeño tiene un gran nivel de detalle. Que tengas unas buenas fiestas.

  10. Wow. Drora you managed to get so much detail in such a tiny house. Very impressive work. Enjoy the holiday celebrations.

  11. Великолепная работа! С интересом следила за процессом!

  12. Hello Drora,
    I just love this project! You have done an incredible job of each element and they all work together beautifully! Great work!
    Big hug,

  13. Enchanting! Everything is perfect. I like the color of the furniture.

  14. Me encanta el resultado, felicidades y disfruta de estos días de fiesta con tu familia, besos:-)

  15. You can be very proud of your tiny cottage, everything is gorgeous. I admire your tiny furniture.

  16. Fantastic work lady! Your work on this little cottate turnd out so wonderful I love all your handmade goodies the style looks amazing!

    Enjoy the holidays and have fun in between!

  17. Thanks for visiting me! Your work looks amazing!

  18. Veo que te has animado a hacer más casas a esa escala, es que son realmente muy bonitas.
    Besos, Narán

  19. Fantastic, awesome work!!! You have any reason to be pleased with what you have done with this project, every detail fits and your furniture and the decorative pieces are so well made. The blue furniture makes a happy cheerful atmosphere and the whole house looks so inviting. I really hope we will see many more of these tiny projects from you - but I have to admit that I really look forward to your witchy project... ;O) Have fun with the family during the holidays!


  20. dear Drora
    I'm so glad your sweet comment on Sprigs of cloth.
    I'm better every day of my health care
    And I'm grateful to God for these days get visit of my blog friends

  21. Oh, a charm!
    The doll Bel (Felix family's daughter) was delighted.
    She wants to know how you sell this beautiful, little house for her play with doll

  22. Es una veradera monada. Que bonitoooooo

  23. What lovely work, Drora! Your mini house is so magical and sweet! All of the tiny furniture and details are magnificent! I'm looking forward to seeing your witch house too! xo Jennifer
