Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Christmas 2014 Gifts

Hello dear friends,

The weather here today is stormy.  It's thunders, rain and hail all the time and the best thing to do is stay warm at home. We also endure power breaks from time to time, which make it impossible to use the internet,  Because of these power breaks I am slow in visiting my favorite blogs and leaving comments.  Please my friends, accept my apologies.

For unexpected reasons, some of my Christmas swaps will be late in arriving, so I'll just show you
two which are already here.  I'll post about the rest when they arrive.

From Fabiola  Christmas gifts

From Gonda.  I was lucky to have Gonda as one of my partners in Fabiola's International
Christmas Swap Chain.

Fabiola already posted photos of my swap gifts to both my partners in the exchange chain.
If you're interested, just pop over to her blog and see them and all the others.

I hope you enjoy better weather than we do here, and wish you all the best.  Blessings to all.


  1. Great gifts! I am sure you are enjoying all of them, dear Drora! The weather over here is wintry plus spring so one time it is frosty and on the other day warm... Hugs

  2. Hola Drora, feliz 2015, y enhorabuena por esos bonitos intercambios.
    Siento que haga tan mal tiempo. Un abrazo.

  3. Los regalos son muy bonitos Drora.

  4. Our weather forecast said in your area even snow could be possible while we in Northern Germany switch from frost back to autumn - but autumn with heavy storms. Weather changes... I can't understand that there are still people denying the climate changes. But you're making the best of the bad weather at your place - staying cozy at home and enjoying wonderful miniatures. You received the most lovely items from your swap partners.


  5. Lovely gifts so far, Drora! I enjoy receiving gifts anytime, as I'm sure you do too, so I look forward to seeing the others when they arrive. I'm glad you're staying warm and dry during the storms, dear friend! xo Jennifer

  6. !Дрора, привет !Замечательные подарки
    Хорошей вам погоды
    С наилучшими пожеланиями из России, Елена

  7. Que bonitos regalos de intercambio Drora! Son para estar muy contenta!!!

  8. Wonderful gifts, Drora, enjoy all of it!!
    Yes, the weather is definately changing, here it does: we have a mixture of cold and rainy autumnal weather.
    Stay warm and cosy at home, dear friend!
    Hugs, Ilona

  9. I love Fabilola's gift. I hope the weather will get better soon.

  10. We are also having very mixed weather which always seems to bring a lot of colds. Congratulations on all your wonderful swap gifts. Fabiola's bag is beautiful her embroidery work is wonderful. I love the gorgeous outside lights from Gonda. She is a very talented lady. Enjoy all your gifts and I hope the rest arrive very soon.
    Hugs Maria

  11. Felicidades por estos regalos tan estupendos.

  12. I'm glad that you like my Christmas gift for you.
    Gonda's gifts are wonderful.

  13. Son unos regalitos preciosos Drora, en cuanto al tiempo tenemos que sufrir sus inclemencias cuando llegan. Espero que pasen pronto por tu tierra.

  14. Very nice gifts to brighten up dreary weather!

  15. ¡Que regalos tan bonitos! Un saludo, Eva

  16. Unos regalos de intercambio estupendos. Son para estar muy contenta. Un beso

  17. Wonderful swaps Drora, Oh the weather is crazy all over the world right now..freezing near me! not to long bfore the warm again right???


  18. Замечательный обмен!
    Надеюсь погода у вас улучшается. У нас вчера был тропический ливень.!!!!! Как правило, в это время года, лежит снег!

  19. ¡Felicidades por esos preciosos regalos! Un abrazo, Carmen

  20. Buenos dias!! Unos regalos preciosos, que los disfrutes mucho! Un abrazo fuerte
