Monday, December 1, 2014

Flower Boxes for the Fantasy House

Hello friends,

At the end, I'm hesitating about leaving the flower boxes on the terraces.  Somehow, they are more
suitable for a chalet type of house.  You be the judges.

As for paper punches - I learned a lesson.  Never buy an all in one flower punch.
This one was on sale.  It was affordable but the postage cost was in the sky.  It
served me for a short time and then got stuck.  No matter how hard I knock on the under side I can't
release the spring.  If anyone knows how to repair stuck punches, please let me know.

Yesterday,  I posted almost all my Christmas gifts.  You should have seen my work table, what a
mess!  It will take me a week just to return everything to their right place.  After I packed 8
parcels, put the addresses on and sealed them, I found three lonely letters on my table.
People who get my gifts without a card or letter, please excuse me.  Next year I'll prepare my
gifts two months in advance.

Blessings to all my dear friends


  1. The flower boxes are perfect in your house. Great work!

  2. !!! Lovely and wonderful work

  3. Haha Drora! I guess the fact you've been thinkinh of your friends is more important than a card inside. :) :) Hope you can repair your punch. Hugs

  4. Drora,las macetas de flores,quedan perfectas en la terraza,lucen muchísimo,me gusta como quedan!!!
    Para arreglar las perforadoras de papel,tendrás que desarmarla,limpiar cada pieza con alcohol y un trapo que no suelte fibras y luego volver a montarla.Te diré que para mantenerlas en buen uso,es necesario cada 50 perforaciones más o menos,perforar papel encerado lubricarlas y cuando notes que no cortan demasiado bien,perfora papel de lija para afilarlas.

  5. Oh, Drora, you make me think of myself, I often do forget the cards: all is packed well and than......I find the card, I have to open and pack it all again :D LOL!! Ewa said it so well: it is more important to think of the friends to whom you are sending your gifts than the card, but you will have your own opinion about this ;)!
    About your flowers.....well, it is a fantasy house and than everything is possible, isn't it ;O? Regarding the punch: maybe you can hit with something hard exactly in the middle of the punch at the bottom side, but take care you don't hurt yourself. Sometimes this will work....!
    Hugs, Ilona

  6. Lol I have also sent off packages and then find the card sitting somewhere :D Anyway your gifts are always so special and made with love that they say it all. Your flowers are beautiful and it is your house so do whatever feels right to you :) I hope you get your punch fixed I am sorry I have no idea how.
    Hugs Maria

  7. With regard to your punch. In future if it starts to stick punch aluminum foil in it a good few times - it sharpens it up. I have also used the teeniest dot of sewing machine oil on a punch that was stuck. I left it for a few hours and it worked. But you need to punch quite a bit of waste paper after that to clean up the oil. I reckoned if that didn't work I had lost nothing because the alternative was to throw it away. Best of luck with it! Mini hugs, Carol :)

  8. No se como arreglar el troquel, la verdad es que he comprado solo uno y aun no he tenido tiempo de usarlo. Tus jardineras quedan perfectas en la terraza

  9. Sorry your punch is stuck, I don't know how to fix that, the only tip I know about them is to punch some aluminium foil a few, or many times, to sharpen it. But then you have to get it unstuck to do that.. hope you manage to fix it. Good luck.


  10. I hope that all is well with you., so what is a little mess?You put your heart and soul in your work

  11. Your flowerboxes are lovely Drora

    Greetings Xandra

  12. I like the colours the flowers add to your house.

  13. I love the flowers you created! I love that flower punch also ;) Like most said, push it back down in the center, use a dab of oil on it and wirk it a few times. Last resort you can take it apart . the springs in them are pretty simple.


  14. I think your house is beautiful with the flowers!

  15. Te quedan perfectas. Siempre digo que una casa sin plantas y flores es como si le faltara algo de vida

  16. Hola Drora. Las jardineras se ven preciosas en la terraza.
    A mi tambien se me ha olvidado varias veces incluir la tarjeta en el paquete y me he llevado un disgusto, pero se puede soluconar con unas palabras por correo electrónico cuando ya lo hayan recibido. La memoria a veces no quiere colaborar.
    Ya te han dado buenos consejos para arreglar el punch, y he tomado nota de ellos por si me ocurre a mi.
    Un abrazo

  17. Hi Drora, It sounds like you got good advice on the punch. One more tip would be to tap it with a rubber type hammer a few times to unstick it. The flowers do look lovely on the terraces. Hugs, Lisa

  18. О мой Бог! Я в этом году опаздываю с подарками... В следующем году начну делать подарки летом:):):)
    Не знаю как помочь с дыроколом... Увы...
    Хорошей недели!

  19. Las jardineras quedan preciosas en la casa, le dan color.


  20. Lots of great advice given here. Your all-in-one punch looks very fancy. I love the flower boxes, but I think I would prefer them under the windows of the house. The colors are beautiful! I love making the minis but don't enjoy packing the boxes very much. One time I found the perfect box for the minis. After I packed everything, I realized the card wouldn't fit in the box, so I just had to fold the card, because I didn't want to pack another box! I think you know what I mean! :-) xo Jennifer

  21. ! The flowers look beautiful, and they are so tiny, what a wonderful work :)
    Hugs Mieke xxx Dear Drora, what a good advice on the punch
