Tuesday, April 17, 2012

About Oscar

Birgit - http;//biwubaer.blogspot.com/ - a most gifted bear maker herself and great authority when it comes to bear matters, called my attention to the fact that my precious little Oscar is not a bear. Birgit is right!
All the facts were there, I just don't know how I missed the signs.  My dearly beloved Oscar is a MOUSE! he has whiskers and a longtail too.
Pepper sent him accompanied by his pedigree papers. Oscar is No. 478 of 1000 from the respectable home of "Mister Mouse" Deb Canham designed him - www.debcanham.com -.

Nevertheless, Oscar loves company and will stay with O'Henry the teddy bear to keep him company.

Thank you Birgit, I'll keep away the cats, but what do I do about members of my family who are unable to stop laughing at me...


  1. creo que no deben reír yo también lo tomaría por un oso quizás en las manos se vean bien las diferencias de todas formas sea lo que sea es muy bonito.
    un abrazo
    אַ האַלדזן

  2. Lol maybe he is a bearmouse :) He is so cute I am sure he will be loved no matter what he is . Sorry no tips on how to get your family to stop laughing hehe
    Hugs Maria

  3. No importa lo que sea, ya que se ve adorable y todo el mundo lo va a querer.
    besitos ascension

  4. A mí me encanta, creo que es precioso. Yo tengo uno muy parecido y a la niña de mi casita le gusta mucho...Besos

  5. Lol! I agree with Maria, maybe he is a breamouse? That would explain his resemblnce to bears!;) Anyway enjoy him whoever he really is! Hugs

  6. You are so funny, Drora! I love this post! It really gave me a chuckle. Good thing you have special friends like Birgit to provide wise guidance! :-D Jennifer

  7. Pues yo lo encuentro adorable!!! Besitos

  8. A mi me ha parecido super tierno, y parece un oso, yo tengo unos muy similares. Pero Drora no te preocupes, sea lo que sea, es precioso. Un beso

  9. A very funny story!
    He looks like a bear?! He's so cute.
    Bye Faby

  10. Oh my... what have I done??? I only thought it would be better for cute little Oscar to be fed with cheese instead of honey and neverever wanted you to become the target of jokes in your family! But keep your head up again, you haven't been that wrong at all. He definetly has a bear's head. You know, animals who have to catch prey for their living have their eyes on the front, their victims living as vegetarians have them on the side - the fabulous Deb Canham couldn't deny she's a BEARmaker sewing the eyes in front... (LOL) I think we should say he is the cutest bearmouse ever!


  11. Hi Drora, what a funny story, but for me he looks like a bear :)
    He is soo sweet.

    Hugs Mieke xxx

  12. Bene Cara Drora, allora puoi dire ai tuoi cari di ridere pure di me, perchè anche a me era sembrato un orsetto!! In verità non avevo visto la foto ingrandita, e i suoi bei baffi da topo mi erano sfuggiti!
    Un bacio

  13. Pues a mi me parece un osito, pero claro tiene unos bigotes muy largos, jejeje.


  14. A mouse with a cute little bear face! Whatever it is it's super cute. You got a fantastic prize. Congratulations!

  15. I think it really looks like a bear! :):)

  16. Drora, That is just so cute. I agree that he must be a bearmouse, and the cutest one that there might be. I would just laugh along, it's good for your health. LOL
    A Big Mini Hug

  17. This is very cute. Have you ever looked at "Mouses Houses blog. It is very cute. She makes the tiny mice herself and blogs about them. she even wrote a book with her mice pictures.

  18. Birgit is sooo cleaver!)Birgit es muy lista (inteligente)
    Yo no pude ver la diferencia tampoco.
    Ella tiene ojo para los osos, no duda.
    Besos por tu nuevo ratón, Drora.
    Muchos besos

  19. pues yo tambien lo veo como osito, quizas si lo tubiera en la mano veria las diferencias, pero para mi que es un oso, claro que nadi emejor que la creadora para saber que es un raton, sea raton o no, aunque parezca un osito, es precioso, en eso si que no hay dudas

  20. Pues yo lo veo como un oso jajaj, pero da igual porque es precioso.
    Mil besos...Julia.

  21. I'm sure Oscar and O'Henry will be great friends anyway. ;)
    A big hug

  22. Well .. mouse or bear is very beautiful and very well done. A gem, kisses in your heart.

  23. Oh Drora!!! I had to laugh hard: what a story! I am so busy I have missed everything, but now I read this story:amusing!! Enjoy your bearmouse, he is adorable, whatever he is...
    Hugs, Ilona

  24. Simplemente adorable♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ¡que ternura!!!
    Un abrazo

  25. Cute Story! Oscar is very adorable!
