Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Collecting sea shells - tutorial

Who doesn't love shells?  Sea shells or lake shells - I love them!  I still have a box full of tiny shells from the Lake of Galilee but today I am posting about sea shells.

I used to walk on the beach looking for tiny shells.  Sometimes, if I was lucky I found some, most times I came home empty handed but always with a backache from bending and stooping down.  Not anymore.

One day, my daughter Nilly, who is much more clever than her mum, brought me a plastic bag about one kilogram (2 pounds) full of sea debris.  She just went in deep high into the sea and filled this bag from the seabed.  Now, she said, you can sit down at your table and sort this out.  The photos here show what I found.

All this lute came out of that bag.  Nilly, who loves the sea all year round will bring me more bags in other seasons of the year.  She says that each season carries different shells.

Think of what can be done with all this, mirror and picture frames, decorative boxes....

I do hope some of you will find this post useful.



  1. Good ideas! I also have a jar of shells.
    Bye Faby

  2. Que bien suena eso del mar de Galilea. Con esas conchas puedes hacer cuadros para baño, y muchas cosas para decoración.

    Besos, Narán

  3. Oh Wow, Drora! I like a lot. I found many shells in the beach before, when I lived on an island in the Caribbean. Are so beautiful! Yes, many good ideas with the shells. Thank you

  4. Beautiful shells and great ideas:)Thank you for sharing:) Hugs

  5. las conchas son hermosas en cualkqueir tamaño, pero minis tienen un encanto especial ....

  6. !Drora, your daughter is brilliant
    What a wonderful thing to do for you. It truly is a bag of tiny treasures
    (= Enjoy

  7. ¡Cuantas cosas puedes hacer con esas conchas¡. Incluso pueder forrar un mueble entero. Yo conozco una pequeña iglesia que tiene todo el exterior forrado de conchas. Seguro que les vas a dar un buen uso. Tienes una hija estupenda. Un beso.

  8. Que cantidad de conchas y tan diminutas, podrás hacer maravillas con ellas.
    Mil besitos...Julia

  9. Wow, Drora! That's a large number of lovely shells! Thank you for this great idea. I will try it at the Oregon coast next time I go. :-)

  10. Yey, I can comment. How are you Drora? your blogs are so cute. I always enjoy them. They take me back to my childhood. Thanks :)

  11. Cuantas conchas diminutas, eso es un pequeño tesoro y has hecho unas bonitas composiciones. Besos Drora.

  12. Fantastic collection. What a wonderful idea Thank you and your daughter..
    Hugs Maria

  13. A real surprise bag - what a lovely idea from your daughter

  14. Wowwww
    que colección tan fantástica de concha , es como una caja de sorpresa. ¿que encontrare??
    Ya nos enseñaras todos los trabajitos que hagas.

  15. Genius! :) Drora, your daughter's idea is so simple and few have thought of it . Please congratulate her for me and pat yourself on the back for raising here so well :).

    And thank you for your shells to me. I have kept them for use in my next project :).

  16. Hi Drora, you chose well the shells, will be very useful to follow your direction to make the choice of shells. Thank you.

  17. I love shells too, nice of your daughter to collect them for you.

  18. dear friend thank you for your presence in this hard time for me,big hugs.

  19. I love shells, and today I have ones of yours at home. Thank you really much for your presents. Next time, I promise to send you Cantabric Sea Shells. Kisses

  20. Cuántas y maravillosas Conchas Drora! me fascinan

  21. Que cantidad de conchas, vas a poder hacer muchisimos trabajos con ellas, son preciosas.
    besitos ascension

  22. ¡Yupiiiiiiiiiiii!!
    Yo tengo de esos hermosos caracoles!!!
    Y decorados con tus manitas ¡Que afortunada!!!me considero!! ( ;
    Un besito

  23. You're absolutely right, tiny shells are so versatile. Many thanks! :)

  24. Drora que buena idea a tenido Nilly, las conchitas son preciosas, seguro que harás unas minis de ensueño con ellas. Besitos

  25. Que cantidad de conchas,cuantas cosas bonitas podras hacer con ellas.besos pepi.
