Monday, October 10, 2011

Bavarian Dinning room furniture

Since the day I opened this blog I have had wonderful experiences. One of the greatest is what I am posting about today.

A short time ago, I posted about the Bavarian set of bedroom furniture my daughter brought me from Austria. Among the many comments, Eva -, mentioned that she had pieces of furniture like mine. Out of curiousity, I asked Eva about them and she emailed back photos. Amazingly these were exactly the color and decorations as mine. Eva wrote that she found them at her local flea market. They were not the scale and color she needed and it seemed a pity to paint over the pretty decorations. If I wanted them, I have only to email my address and she'll send them to me. Just like that without asking for anything in exchange!!!! This was the most generous offer I ever had!!!
THANK YOU EVA, from the bottom of my heart.

Eva's parcel arrived in a very short time and here are photos of the lovely dinning room set.  Eva's set is brand new.  Mine is second hand well used but in wonderful condition.  All I have to do is change the cloth material.

Of course, all this rules out my theory about the loving grandfather creating them.  They are probably commercially manufactured but painted by hand.

I am planning a "Zimmer" (bed and breakfast) scene.  The scale is 1/16".  This is going to be a long project.


  1. How wonderful for you Drora, . They are the perfect match. I love that corner bench with the table and chairs. I have had the same experience with blogging. Amazing, sweet people are in the miniature world!!

  2. es una suerte que en este mundo exista todavía gente buena y desinteresada.
    la felicito son unos muebles muy bonitos y seguro que usted les saca buen aprovechamiento.
    un abrazo

  3. Che bei mobili, sono davvero belli ed originali,sono curiosa di vedere come dli disporrai e li arrederai,
    un bacio

  4. I found dollhouse furniture in the same series as yours in one of my old cataloges, from year 1998. If you want to se what they look like I can send a photo to your mail or put a photo on my blog. Are you interested? Some of them are the same as yours. They were sold by a company called "Direct Trade" here in Sweden. I can send a photo that tomorrow if you want to se them

  5. No me extraña que Eva te los mandara, es una persona generosa y un encanto de mujer,
    La verdad es que es una escala más adecuada.

    Besos, Narán

  6. Que muebles más bonitos, me gusta mucho el color y el dibujo. Felicidades por ese regalo tan estupendo. Besos.

  7. Felicidades por esos preciosos muebles que has recibido de regalo, seguro que le sacaras mucho provecho.
    besitos ascension

  8. ¡Que regalo más precioso Drora!!
    Un besito

  9. Congratulations Drora on these wonderful gifts from a fantastic person. I also have found beautiful wonderful people ( yourself included ) here in blogland and more friendships than i ever thought possible. Enjoy your treasures you deserve :)
    Hugs Maria

  10. Olá querida Drora, estamos felizes não é mesmo???? Ganhamos o give-away da amiga Marieke,Eu e você...Parabéns pra nós duas por essa conquista...Beijossss

  11. Un regalo estupendo Drora y viniendo de Eva , no me extraña, es un encanto de mujer y yo tuve la suerte de conocerla, así que sé de su generosidad. Que los disfrutes, son monísimos...besitos.

  12. How sweet is that and they all look wonderful together. :)

  13. Drora! this story has something of a miracle ... Perhaps the grandfather traveled a lot? perhaps he had a secret son, in another part of the world, and other grandchildren? ha ha ha!
    beautiful furniture! the idea of a "zimmer" tickles me very well for my hut ... many congratulations, I think you manage to finish your project long before me ... :))

  14. What a lovely, generous thing to do. The pieces look very much at home all together. I agree with you that blogger friends are very happy to share from the heart. I can't wait to see the setting for your furniture!

  15. un regalo muy bonito, felicidades.


  16. You're right - that's what makes blogging so much fun, all those lovely, generous and talented people... I'm very curious to see your "Zimmer"...

  17. Eva es estupenda! Yú te lo mereces, eres también muy generosa.
    Muchos abrazo

  18. Felicidades!, desuro que te los mereces, sos muy amable y atenta Drora!!! y con mucha suerte...veo que ganaste otro sorteo!!! que disfrutes mucho las cosas lindas que te pasan. Besos!!!

  19. !Wow, Drora they are really nice
    (= I'm really looking forward to seeing your scene

  20. Felicidades es todo precioso .

  21. Estos detalles alegran la vida a cualquiera y este mundo de las miniaturas está lleno de buenas personas. Los muebles son preciosos. Felicidades.

  22. How sweet of Eva, i love the idea you have with this cute furniture.

  23. wonderfumm minimondo, greeting from Belgium

  24. Sin duda alguna Eva es una persona maravillosa, pero tu te lo mereces Drora...Felicidades por esos preciosos muebles.
    Mil besos...Julia

  25. Ohhh Drora that is just great!!!
    There are so manyu lovely people in this miniworld ;-)

    Hugs Jollie

  26. I love your Bavarian furniture. I used to live in Austria and we had furniture like this in our country house. Thank you for dropping by my blog today Drora. I have felt so lonely because I have not been making minis for ages. Hopefully all that will be changing soon. Best wishes from Ireland, Carol :)

  27. Sin lugar a dudas , los muebles han encontrado el lugar apropiado en ese bonito proyecto que tiene y que con tanta ilusión va a realizar. Un saludo, Eva

  28. Eva is so thoughtful, and her gift to you is so meaningful. Most miniaturists are very kind and thoughtful. Eva is a precious friend.

  29. It is gesture like this that makes me love blogland. People are so generous and giving and most importantly, ever so encouraging. Without my friends in blogland I am certain I wouldn't have gone as far as I did. I can see it happening with you as well, Drora. Your work is improving as I have said in another comment by leaps and bounds and it is such a pleasure to read all your psots. I just want to congratulate you also on all your wins and to tell Eva, she is wonderful too! :)
