Hello dear readers,
The garden project took a long time to be completed. Everything you see in it is made from scratch except Rosa's beautiful birds in the bath and Jodi's lovely little birdhouse (On the tallest fence post), a gift that inspired me to make more birdhouses.
The garden between Kitty's and Solly's houses.
The garden on Solly's lefthand side.
The garden on Kitty's righthand side.
Kitty: I think the garden is a wee bit too small for us.
Solly: At least we can admire the view and smell the heavenly perfume of the flowers.
Kitty: Let's ask Baalatova if she can shrink us to fit Drora's bench.
No way! There is plenty of room in my roof garden where you can come and play Drora should better be careful or I shall shrink her if she miscalculates garden sizes again.
Meanwhile, enjoy the view from your windows.
I wish you all a lovely weekend with blessings.