Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Old time lamps

Hello dear readers,

It's always good to have a friend who works in a laboratory.  A few days ago I received pieces of
glass capsules from this friend.  Together with beautiful beads they make old time mini lamps.

A little Fimo clay was used to bind the glass piece with the bead.   All these beads are  gifts from
blog friends.

One box going to the exhibition is named "A Bride's Room".  Almost everything in it  are blog friends'
gifts.  The beautiful dress was created by Felma, dressing table is from a swap with Cris, rug and hat
from Jennifer, roses from Rosella, wall plates by Carmen, on the table - perfume bottle, from Eva.  The
only minis I created for this box are the necklace and jewelry box on the table and an
embroidered picture with frame on the wall. I hope I did not leave out anyone.

At long last Google solved my readers list problem and I am able to see all the blogs I follow.  I am well
behind with my visits but it's a relief that all is back to normal.

A warm welcome to my new follower Carmen.


  1. La escena de la novia es muy bonita y ya veo que has contado con la participación de las amigas, lo que la hace mas especial.

  2. I love your box and google is finally working for me too


  3. Te ha quedado una escena preciosa y muy emotiva, será un recuerdo imborrable. Tus Lámpara geniales, y por fin google nos deja reencontrarnos de nuevo, besos:-)

  4. The lamps look amazing
    Happy dance for google for fixing the
    blogger readinglist problem!
    Hug AM

  5. Drora, the lamps are so beautiful. Thank you for using one of my dresses for the Roombox for exhibit. I am grateful.. Your work is amazingly wonderful. Hugs, Felma

  6. Hi Drora ! I think that you have made good use of both the lab glass and the beads! They look wonderful and how very clever of you bind them together with fimo, so much cleaner than using glue. Well Done! :D!


  7. I had that problem with blogger too, glad it is over! :) I love your Brides Room! Great space.:) And the lamps are charming! Hugs

  8. Las lámparas antiguas te han quedado geniales!!!!
    La escena de novia es preciosa y además entrañable con los recuerdos de las amigas!!
    A mi también se me ha corregido la visión de los seguidores.

  9. Hi Drora! Your Bride's Room looks wonderful, it is so kind of you to fill it with gifts of your friends :D!
    I love the way you have made your lamps, they look great this way!
    I am happy too that the problems with the readers list are solved, I couldn't read any blog!!
    Hugs, Ilona

  10. Ces petites lampe à pétrole sont charmantes!!

  11. I like your lamps. I also have these capsules.
    The Bride's room is very elgant and wonderful.

  12. Great new miniatures! I love the wool stall.

  13. Your lamps are so beautiful. I love your room box, it looks elegant and charming.

  14. What a lovely idea Drora these old lamps

    Je roombox is also very pritty

    Kind regards Xandra

  15. Muy bonitos los quinqués y la escena ha quedado elegantísima.

  16. ¡¡¡Las lámparas preciosas!!! y la caja con todas esas cosas tan bonitas de las amigas es una maravilla. Me alegro que el problema deGoogle se haya solucionado.Un beso

  17. Your bride's room is gorgeous! Thanks so much for including a couple of items that I sent you--how fun to be part of it! The old-fashioned lamps look wonderful--what a great idea! I'm glad to hear that Blogger is behaving again! ;-) xo Jennifer

  18. .A brides room is the perfect name for such a wonday, your lanterns are fantastic! hugs ~J!

  19. Your brides room is gorgeous. What a wonderful way to display friends gifts. I love your lamps they are beautiful.
    Hugs Maria

  20. Impresionante Drora,esto es maravilloso.Bss apretaos!!!

  21. What a fantastic way to use these glass pieces - your lanterns look fabulous. And what a perfect name for this gorgeous roombox... this piece really deserves going to the exhibition.

    Birgit (who is also glad that the reading list appears again)

  22. Me encantan los quinqués.La escena también te ha quedado encantadora

  23. quedan muy bien esas lamparas muy alegres y la escena es muy elegante seguro que tiene mucho exito
    creo que muchos tenemos problemas con los blogs yo también perdí mis contactos y todavía no recupero muchos de ellos
    un abrazo

  24. Fantastic mini lamps!!!
    I still have the same problema with my blog, my blog list and my email :(
    I hope I can solve them son.
    Best regards and hugs ♥

  25. Вы сделали красивый румбокс!
    Подарки друзей смотрятся очень хорошо!
    У вас так много идей! Очень интересные лампы!!!

  26. Cute and elegant lamps, I love them!! Hugs

  27. I love the little lamps and the wedding box. What lovely gifts you have received from your friends and what a lovely way to display them.

  28. Cara Drora, bellissima la tua roombox!!! Adoro le lamade, sono davvero molto belle e trovo l'idea davvero molto originale, complimenti!

  29. How beautiful!
    I will try to ampoules of injections that I take.
    I like that ..
    Hug, Fernanda
